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Found 2 results

  1. I was dismissed after a gross misconduct hearing with NHS, I appealed and lost the appeal. I applied under DPA for all information that they held about me. They sent me the same information that I had been given prior to and during the hearing. Due to my profession the disclosing and barring service are involved. A year after my dismissal the DBS sent me papers for me to respond to. The papers were from the NHS; the papers were a copy of the report made by a seniour NHS manager for the gross misconduct hearing. The problem I have is that the statement provided to the DBS by the NHS contains a different account that was provided to me; I have never been presented with this version from the NHS. The DBS version contains information that was taken from a meeting during 2011; however that information was initially recorded as a draft; that draft was recorded as a draft and the information was corrected during 2012 I have found a document (an email) within the DPA information that was written by a very senior NHS manager; that email talks about removing the 2011 comments as she does not want me to know about it. The NHS managers now have two versions of a statement one that was used during the gross misconduct hearing and another provided to the DBS. The one that was used against me during the hearing has no real negative issues, but they decided not to share with me some important elements; they used this against me during the hearing but didn't bother to share so I never had a chance to explain and provide any evidence to dispute. Now the DBS have this other statement I am going round in circles not knowing what to do. Thanks for reading I hope it makes sense
  2. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14160/online-news/crook-hid-criminal-past-to-get-consumer-credit-licence
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