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Found 4 results

  1. Hello - 5 months ago I had a new composite door / frame set fitted by a supposedly reputable company . Long story short they made a terrible mess and the door was faulty , damaged and the fitters damaged the door and my property whilst fitting .They also took my old door and frame away as they had to smash it out trying to get it out . I never signed the job off and complained straight away . The company sent the 'fitting company' manager to assess the door and he agreed it was terrible and verbally said that we would get a new door and fittings ( that were also damaged ) but not a frame . I was annoyed about this as they come as a factory calibrated set and also the removal of the frames would cause damage and scratches to the frame which was not what we ordered ie a brand new door . We asked for a full replacement of the door set and that was refused .We then noticed further damage to the brickwork under the door that was just placed back and never reported to us .We have since asked for a refund / been refused and had to go the bank for section 75 claim .After legal wrangling with the bank ( suppliers of the interest free credit) the company now wants to 'cancel' the contract and says we have 30 days to get a replacement door and we have to inform them to collect the door so we will be left without our perfectly good old door - a large hole and damaged brickwork ! Do we have any rights to 'restore' us back to the way it was before the work was done - can they legally come and remove the door if they cancel the contract ? Have we any legal redress for the fact we have to get another fitter and get the damaged brickwork mended ?
  2. Hi We paid a deposit for a new window to be made in an existing wall, it was £600. The builder has constantly not turned up and is ignoring calls. A review of someone else having the same problem has gone up on google. What do you do when the builder has done nothing at all, other than take your deposit? Thanks
  3. Hi, Just looking to gain some advice from you knowledgeable people. We got a bathroom fitter around to give us a quote to strip and install a new bathroom. This is what we asked for: Strip out old bathroom Plaster walls and ceiling Lay a granite floor Install new sink and toilet Build and install a new bath/shower Install downlights This is the bath/shower unit we purchased. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200881630500 We showed this to the bathroom fitter and also gave him a copy of the instruction manual when he came to give us a quote. He looked through and saw that it required 2 x 13amp plug sockets and he said he would include this in the quote. He said he had built similar units in the past, so that made us sway towards booking him. This is the quote he sent through to us: We agreed the quote and on Monday 23rd July he came round with his team and cleared the bathroom. On the same afternoon the plasterers arrived and plastered the walls and ceiling. Due to the time it took for the plaster to dry and for us to mist coat and paint it, he then came back with his team on Thursday 3rd July. Thursday morning the arrived and laid the granite floor, cut the holes in the ceiling for the new lights, installed the sink and toilet and began to build the bath/shower unit. At about 1715hrs he said that they had sent the wrong screws to construct the very first part of the unit. We said to him that we would pop upto B&Q and get same screws and he said "I wouldnt bother now, were finished for the day. "We'll be back on Monday. As those screws were missing, we'll probably have more problems and may have to charge you extra days" Before he left, he said that the toilet was leaking and he had to put paper towels down underneath. Said this was a quick fix and would sort it on Monday. He also said he mis calculated one of the ceiling lights and made a hole in the wrong place. He said he would also sort this on Monday. He also hadnt tiled around this sink, when we mentioned this he said he hadnt brought any of the stuff with him to do this and would do it Monday. After he left we checked the bathroom and not only was the toilet leaking, when you flushed it, it continued to flush until you took the top of and re-adjusted the stop !!!!. Anyway, went to B&Q and got the screws and managed to build the part he was having problems with. Infact I didnt stop there, I built the entire unit over the course of two days and had the father in law round to help plumb it in. The FIL also sorted out the issue of the non stop flushing toilet. The only thing we couldnt do properly was the waste - the way the fitter had put the waste pipe was too high, at too great an angle and would need some of the granite tiles taking for it all to be adjusted. Fast forward to this morning - fitter turns up and charged an extra £55 for coming out to finish the work. Unfortunately im away for work, left this morning so wasnt able to assist. The missus told him we had been quoted for the bathroom to be fitted - not for a certain amount off days work. Its luckily I actually built the bath and plumbed it in, otherwise he would have charged at least another full days labour. Im pretty shocked and quite cross by this!There was no way all this work would have been completed in a day. Cant believe he is charging extra on top of what he already quoted. Ive asked the missus to email him asking for a full breakdown of the quote, ie what each part cost and what the £55 was for this morning. Ive got a few solutions in mind, however just wondered if anyone knew where we stood.
  4. I waited ages for a supposedly good kitchen fitter to come and refit my kitchen. He came during the second week in January and stripped out one side of my kitchen where all my appliances were situated. This was in order to see some obstructive pipes so that he could plan around them. I was in constant touch with the fitter via text messaging. By the time I knew the items were arriving I asked him to come back but he ignored me. I was constantly begging him on the phone and via text to come and make some progress but he did not come back. I have been without the use of appliances and running mains water in my kitchen for 3 months now. It was only in March that I gave up and started looking for another fitter and finally work started last Monday. The first fitter has now contacted me again and wants to be paid £300 for his day's work saying he did "an honest day's work". To me it doesnt seem honest and furthermore I have suffered hugely from the inconvenience of not being able to do anything in my kitchen. of having to buy cooked food and drinking water and to take my laundry out regularly. He has also inflicted some damage to my kitchen by smashing tiles that were already in situ and throwing out items that were needed and now need to be replaced. These items alone come to around £75. Do I have the right to sue him for non completion of the contracted work if he persists with his demands for his day's work?
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