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Found 3 results

  1. Hi I'm looking for best way of helping friends in Spain reclaim ppi.. Do I need to get them to authorize me .. Or can they get new sar sent to Spain and issue claims?? Thanks
  2. I am a retired British (Welsh) national now living comfortably in the Philippines. Although I do not envisage needing to return to the UK for required medical interventions (I am Diabetic 2, Have an enlarged Prostate, and take warfarin after open heart surgery in 1993) I do feel very insulted that even though I have paid into the NHS through taxes and NI for over 40 years, I am now being denied their services because I choose to live abroad. If a young person chooses to live and bwork abroad he will have cover in that country for health needs and so it would be right that if he was temporarily in the UK then he shouls pay something at least (Unless there is a reciprocal agreement between two countries), however it seems that at every turn Pensioners are being hammered and trodden on by the Government and through them by various agencies in the UK including the NHS. What actually are our rights as consumers in these matters? E J jones
  3. French farce as British expats face a shock £8,000 fine if they do not declare their inheritance trusts to the Paris tax office Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/mortgageshome/article-2158326/British-expats-France-face-shock-8-000-fine-declare-inheritance-trusts.html#ixzz1xmmGQ3RJ
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