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Found 4 results

  1. Does anyone happen to know whether the vendor can introduce restrictive covenants after a house has been purchased at auction and contracts exchanged without negotiation with the purchaser? thanks
  2. I wonder if someone can help me with this? There are a number of restrictive covenants against my property that prevent a range of activities from building a shed, converting the garage and running a business to not keeping poultry and not hanging out laundry on certain days. Some of them have what I think are clear beneficiaries; there are some that grant right of access to areas of my land to my neighbors, for instance. My question is this: for the more general ones (like not keeping poultry!), who is the beneficiary? I'd like to get some or all of them released and would like to know who to get agreement from.
  3. Hi, I'm due to move to a new company in 3 weeks time and despite handing in my notice nearly 10 weeks ago my current employers have decided that i have breached the restrictive covenants in my contract and have sent me a letter from their solicitors looking for an injunction to stop me starting my new role ? A few facts of this are: there is a cross over of products between my current & new employers but there core products are different although in the same industry so not entirely direct competitors the core products amount of business only accounts for 1.35% of my exisiting companies business which they are trying to protect I have worked in this industry all my life and have therefore built my career and knowledge in this industry I am still working for my current employer they decided not to grant gardening leave. In fact I'm still out selling for them albeit on the Trade side and not the retail side which is my usual area. I know of other employees who have left for direct competitors and nothing happended. So my question is can they really enforce these and what are my next steps. Do I need a solicitor or should I acknowledge the letters myself ???
  4. Hello, I am an account manager. The account I run was recently lost by my employer. My employer said "there is not really a lot for you to do now" and " I dont want to pay you for doing nothing". So, obviously with a young family mortgage etc I am concerned for my livelihood. It turns out the client in question liked me, but not my bosses - so the client got the company who won the account to offer me a job. I accepted, on better pay I resign, get put on gardening leave, which I sit out. Start with new company, and get written too twice saying I am in breech of contract by working on the account. My convents say. I "may not accept or solicit orders from any of my associates for a period of 6 months". Now, I certainly have not solicited anyone. I have not contacted a sole outside the main account I am running (shame in a few cases as I was genuinely friendly with a few clients and I have just disappeared). As for accepting orders - I kind of am I suppose, but I would argue that the work has been placed with my new employer at senior level and I am merely facilitating the process of seeing orders through. My questions. . Is my covent "reasonable" and therefore enforceable? I cant see how they protecting a "legitimate business interest" by stopping me working on the account? . They have ben unable to find a signed copy of my contract - likely as I never signed it. Does this matter? . Are they just peed off and wanting to scare me? I can see how the circumstances might look fishy, and they prob suspect me of orchestrating the whole move - which is TOTALLY UNTRUE. (They have not accused me of this but I can tell they want to)... Any opinions well received. Kind Regards
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