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Found 2 results

  1. Hi there Quick question, one which would be helpful for many others as well. 1. Can someone have a friend with them when they go to the Job center to sign on? EG to act as a witness? 2. What part of the regulations allow this? I am pretty sure the answer is yes, just need the regs to back me up when I go with my friend next. Today he opened his claim and I was refused permission to go up with him.
  2. Hi, long time reader first time poster. I was issued with a court claim form recently which I have defended and returned back to the court . I am representing myself and have prepared the defense. Photos and witness statements have all been sent off. I received a copy of the defense from the court addressed to my brother (who is another defendant) today care of my address as he is living abroad and very hard to get hold of at the moment. In the copied defense was a copy of the N9B form which contained my address, dob , home telephone number and personal email address. This has me worried as the claimant is a neighbour who is already making life difficult for me - taking me to court for something I didn't do...I am dumbfounded that my personal details have been disclosed to this man, and by the court. Has anyone had any experience of this? Dave
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