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Found 2 results

  1. Hello and thank your reading, I unfortunately suffer from the following which I take medication for: Spinal Injury - Long term disability affecting movement, loss of feeling in legs and feet Chronic Pain due to spinal injury and herniated discs Depression ADHD I missed my Work Capability Assessment as I had an infection, I called the centre prior to the appointment to tell them and I also visited the GP and obtained medication.I was told that I would receive a letter from the DWP asking why I missed the appointment. I subsequently received the form, I completed the form complete with an appointment card and the medication container which listed the date on which I obtained the medication, at no point was I asked to explain my disability/illness or the reason as to why I had been in receipt of "not fit for work" note from the GP and have been since Sept 2016. A couple of weeks later I received a "Decision maker has decided your capable of work" The questions I am asking are: 1.How can this have been made when there has been no formal assessment completed or any forms filled out by myself to explain the conditions and difficulties I face on a day to day basis? 2.I have note received any explanation as to why this decision was made, so I want to appeal, whats the best way to do this? 3.I have no benefits in the meantime, I am in a lot of debt and am behind in my rent, which means that I may lose my home due to this decision, what can I do? Many thanks in advance for the advice, it is really appreciated
  2. Hi, I'll keep this as short as possible I recently moved into a new house, it's got quite a big garden and part of it is on a slope. I decided it would be best to go for a "better" make and spend a bit more than I would normally have to get a lawnmower that was capable and going to last. I went in to a local specialist supplier and told him the story and they suggested a Honda one at £600, somewhat reluctantly I did buy it. Moving on a couple of months I noticed when cutting on the slope it was leaking fuel, so I called the supplier up and they said after hearing the fault to bring it in. After a week I collected it being told it had been repaired, but the job card was not available to say what had been done. First cut, still leaking... called the next day, spoke to someone else, first question he asked was how steep is the slope, I gave him a guess and he instantly said, thats the problem, too steep. At this point I was fairly annoyed, said I had told them it was for cutting a slope when I bought it, again when I reported the fault and no one had ever asked how steep the slope was. He immediately got defensive and said he was putting the phone down because I was "just trying to blame them" The one thing that I did read again were the instructions, and in very small print on the last english page is a one line that says to the effect do not cut on slopes more than 20Deg. I agree I should have read this before using it, but after being specific with the shop I unfortunately presumed they would know what they were talking about. So the question is, I have spent £600 on a lawnmower that cannot do what I specified it should (verbally) do I have any recourse? Thanks
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