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Found 2 results

  1. Driver fined £18,500 for ignoring daily parking tickets outside her home for a YEAR Carly Mackie, 26, ignored fines for parking in front of her family garage in Dundee almost every day, claiming it's her right to park in front of her own property A driver from Dundee has been fined a whopping £18,500 after throwing away parking tickets on her car for over a year. Carly Mackie, 26, ignored fines for parking in front of her family garage almost every day, claiming it's her right to park in front of her own property. She was handed a formal letter by the Vehicle Control Services Limited demanding she cough up the £18,500 to cover the cost of all of the tickets she has not paid. Carly, who lives with her parents, has been parking her Mini on cobbles in front of her garage in Dundee for more than a year. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/driver-fined-£18-500-for-ignoring-daily-parking-tickets-for-over-a-year-112110470.html#01m5y48 comments are good too below it dx
  2. I missed the first payment of £18 (wasn't told when it would be taken out so didn't have money in that account to cover it!) They have sent a letter stating that they are charging a returned payment fee of £30 in line with the terms and conditions of your agreement and the following line states "In addition to this, a default penalty of £15 has been charged to your account in line with the terms and conditions of your agreement"!! lol Are they serious!? its ridiculous really. There is no issue of affordability of the monthly payments, they have since taken that months payment and the following months payment together with the default charges. I took the finance out on some bike stuff to avoid the wife going mental when she saw another large expense on them going out haha but the whole agreement was for only about £490 and they charge nearly 10% on a default. I've written citing unjust enrichment and will await their response but has anyone else had such dealings with them? I know some companies take the mick with default charges but this seems a bit much even for others standards!!
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