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  1. ..., I will need to go over some of them again later. Something I picked up from those posts are Auxillis use of tick boxes and electronic signatures. I need to find out what the tow truck driver made me sign for. He put the car on the trailer and locked it down, then got a phone in a big protective case out and just handed it to me. I didn't even think what I was signing, I presumed it was related to the condition of the car on retrieval from the ditch and their collection and assumption of responsibility for the insurance company. unclebulgaria67, I struggle to easily write concise, to the point posts. I thought tha...
  2. ...oh god not Adrian Flux and Auxillis rip off merchants we know very very well here. Programmable Search Engine (google.com) clickme^^^ id try and get your car out of their hands ASAP by whatever means necessary....
  3. ...I had a car accident and I was not at fault. Admiral who was my insurance provider referred me to Auxillis for a credit hire vehicle. I thought Auxillis was Admiral's branch and by simply trusting them signed Auxillis documents without carefully reading them. After my car was repaired I received a message from Auxillis that I have to sign a client agreement with Principia Law who is going to represent me in court as they could not recover charges from the third party. I was shocked when I called Admiral and they told me that after I signed an agreement with Auxillis it was nothing to do with them. I have paid insurance premium to ...
  4. ...y'll say you could have gone cheaper and of course not blindly signed a hire agreement type in Auxillis in our search top right and have a good read. lots of like threads here. like Auxillis Car Hire Costs Court Claim- ** RESOLVED - two insurers' solicitors settled out of court. no liability for me.** - Motor Insurance - Consumer Action Group pers i'd not be letting anyone raise a court claim in your name no.!!...
  5. ...ll hastings and in the end I had to move my own car to a safe parking place . Hastings sent me to auxillis so I signed a contract. Two days later my cars collected. By Msc repairs southall. Then my car came back chrome all bent door not aligned stonechip where there was none before roof looked out of line. So I sent it back called hastings and auxillis told them I did not want the garage touching my car . And auxillis arrange for acorn to do a inspection. Then the day before the inspection I get a call from the garage stating they had fixed the bad repairs and was returning the car. Even after being told not to ...
  6. ...easonably priced hire car for any days needed ? Unfortunately, now you have signed with Auxillis, they need to go down the court route to recover the credit hire costs. If you don't agree some way of legally pursuing the hire costs, then you will owe Auxillis the £5k and they may take you to Court. You need to resolve with Auxillis....
  7. ...t I found a replacement, and that it would be claimed against the other party. I accepted, and Auxillis - who I believed were actually working on behalf of the Co-op - phoned me. I had to go through a load of questions and eventually the guy said he'd arrange for a 4x4 automatic to be delivered to my address later that day. When the delivery driver arrived, I was handed a wad of paperwork to sign. (Now for those of you out there who are already asking "Did you read it all?" There were at least eight pages of small print, I was outside on the drive, it was raining and the driver was looking at his watch, ...
  8. ...Hello all, also in the same boat as you with auxillis and car hire costs being disputed by the At-fault drivers insurance company (Aviva). Husband received his court date this week. The court date is for early March 2021. So 5.5 months notice. The accident took place at Easter 2019. it is quite nerve racking and although we have been assured that the policy means we are not liable for any costs should the court fail, it is still a worrying time. We have provided all the bank statements etc and because we had a small amount of money in the bank (couple of thousand) we are worried they will say that this was enough to spend on a replac...
  9. im just posting on behalf of my sister as im unsure what to advise to her, wondering if any one can help. My sister who's pregnant had a car accident January, she was driving her corsa and a van pulled out ( he was on her side of the road facing towards her) it was icy and she went to brake but skidded and collided with the van driver which in turn rebounded and hit a stationary car. she was traveling around 30-35 mph. her car was written off by goskippy who she is insured with, and AX have provided her with a courtesy car to get to and from work. AX have informed her that admiral, who are the van drivers insurance are refusing liability, and have called my sister to ask her if she can pay for it to be repaired. she has said no as she's due to go on maternity and money will be tight, the woman said she will inform her manager and call her back. she has rang me today, to say AX have called and want her to send in 3 months worth of bank statements to show that she cannot pay for the repair? she currently has third party with goskippy.. does this sound right? thanks
  10. Erm I wouldnt say im having problems, im just concerned of how much notice i will get when a court hearing date is given
  11. ...You need to ask Auxillis about this and get them to confirm the exact position in writing. No point relying on online forum comments to confirm anything in this case. I agree with the way you are thinking on this and you need Auxillis to provide information in writing, so you can make a decision....
  12. ...a Law looses the court case? Can I still be covered by Credit Protection insurance provided by Auxillis which is for Auxillis customers and not for Principia Law clients? I would be very thankful if anyone can advise from their experience...
  13. ...Hi Jack, Hope you are well. Any luck on the outcome with Auxillis? Me and my fiance are in a predicament too. She had an accident last year February 2018 at the time of which she was insured with Hastings. Now at the time of the incident we thought third party was at fault taking into account how the accident happened. We then went to a local unit/factory to see if they had footage. This footage made it look like my fiance was at fault. We therefore rang hastings to tell them we were at fault according to what we had seen on footage. But in between this happening we had also spo...
  14. ...onth) I had what I believed to be a courtesy car. I was then shocked to hear from this auxillis company that the car provided was a hire car on a credit agreement, that they had not managed to recover the fees from the 3rd party, and that I could be liable for the hire car costs unless I offered complete co-operation with their solicitors. I am now being asked to sign an agreement with their solicitors to act on MY behalf! I am finding this whole thing highly stressful and it's not over yet as I have been informed I might have to go to court as their witness!! I feel completely mislead when I was tol...
  15. ...ad a long 45 min telephone conversation (all recorded of course) with Hastings who then put me onto Auxillis. Hastings initially denied sending the email in which they told me to contact Auxillis to arrange a courtesy car and vehicle repairs and so I forwarded it back to them. They then said that the wording had simply been a "mistake" but that it didn't make any difference to the fact that I had still hired a car on a credit agreement with Auxillis and had signed a binding contract agreeing to this. I find this unbelievable incompetence on their part. They absolutely would shoulder no blame even when I told them that my insurance contract wa...
  16. ... received advice from that solicitor. Her advice was unequivocal: co-operate with Principia, Auxillis's solicitors. I later mentioned to her that I believed, at that time, that the dates of the hire were incorrect. Her response was what I would describe as a typical solicitor's "mmmm...." which I took to mean "don't mention it." The Co-op are not involved; Auxillis's contract is with me, and I agreed (unwittingly) to their terms of business when I put my signature to those eight pages of microscopic print on my drive, in the rain, in desperate need of, but devoid of transport and with the delivery driver ...
  17. ...heir opinion it was a not a fault claim They told me I should contact a company called Auxillis to handle my claim on their behalf and that this would be best for me as I would not have to pay an excess or loose my no claims, in fact they told me it would be no different than them handling the case except I would be better off. I received an email from Hastings telling me to contact Auxillis to arrange a courtesy car and repairs to my vehicle This I did and received an email from Auxillis advising that I needed to log into their portal to arrange my replacement vehicle and accept their T&C's for doing...
  18. ...see the t&c's from this Principa Law outfit that they now want me to fully accept to - like the Auxillis portal there are two options, accept or decline. I'm really not happy about agreeing to a potentially open cheque book of legal fees and would like your opinion on my next move please. Firstly, here is an email from them: Principia Law are acting on your behalf in regards to the credit hire vehicle. The third party have not yet paid for the credit hire given by Auxillis and therefore we have been instructed by Auxillis to recover the outstanding money. As the contract is between your...
  19. ...ne, as many other people would have made the same error. It is a shame that no one from Hastings or Auxillis fully explained the claims process. It is never the job of a policyholder to even consider whether they were at fault or not for an accident. All a policyholder is expected to do is report details of the accident. The policyholder then leaves it up to their Insurance company or accident management company to work out how this wish to proceed. If you told Auxillis the third party was definitely at fault, they would have arranged a hire car on this basis. But they would have got you to agree to cover the hire car ...
  20. ...if you type in auxillis is our search top right in the red banner you'll see this con over auxillis and supposed courtesy cars , but it's not its an HP agreement is well known here. 9/10 it's ends up with you fronting a court claim out of your own pocket for auxillis against the other parties insurance company that you don't stand a chance of ever winning for a claim against them for the excessive HP hire car costs you got scammed with. may i be frank that whomever told you looking at the circumstances of you incident that you'd ever win a claim and it not be 50/50 was wrong. you were in a narrow road in a ...
  21. ...Had a non fault accident, insurance company told me about auxillis so went with that option to avoid claiming on insurance... Repair cost was paid for no problems by other insurer, and otherside admitted fault. Hire costs of just over 1k has been disputed for a lengthy amount of time, as i say nearly 18 months from incident to case closure... Auxillis passed the case to their solicitors, who ive dealth with every step of the way who have tried to settle but no luck.. Had to supply copies of documents, including bank statements, do a statement of truth yet all of this still led to court hearing, ...
  22. ...On Saturday the 22nd February, I received a letter from Principia Law, Auxillis's solicitors (owned by the same parent company I believe,) asking me to reply to correspondence they sent to me 'recently.' I have no recollection of any letters, but checked my email and searched for 'Principia.' In my junk folder, I came across an email sent out at 1:45pm on Christmas Eve. This had gone to my junk folder - I informed them many months ago that I was blocking emails from them, since every email I received was invariably at some ridiculous hour and always contained some spurious information in one form or another. ...
  23. ...ut even if they do and it gets sorted I have stated the omnibusman off with hastings and as soon as auxillis give me a final response I will take them to the ombudsman. The garage are at fault for the repairs and damage. But right now I want my car taken of auxillis and the garage and taken to another company . With everything that has happened between auxillis and acorn assessors . Hastings are finally saying they have reopened my claim and the handler will be in touch to arrange the repairs. Again all recorded. But I am driving down to the yard my car is in to see if the cars still...
  24. ...zling. You are insured by Hastings – and for some reason rather they have passed you over to Auxillis who have persuaded you to sign contracts with them. What have Auxillis got to do with it? What is their role? And frankly why have you signed any contracts with them at all? It seems to me that the responsibility for everything lies squarely with Hastings. In fact the responsibility lies squarely with the coach driver and in the first instance you would be chasing the coach driver – although if you are fully comprehensive then Hastings will be doing that for you. However, the chain of causation has been interrupted because accor...
  25. ...e calls recorded or just some of them. If you have got all of them recorded including your calls to Auxillis then that will be very helpful. Your story is rather garbled so I'm going to try and summarise it. You are insured through Hastings and you had an accident – not at fault. Hastings designated a company called Auxillis to undertake the repairs and you were obliged to sign a contract with them. Auxillis seem to have bungled the repairs and cause further damage which by and large has not been repaired. At some point you supplied a hire vehicle by Auxillis and it turns out that that vehicle was not insured and you were dr...
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