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Everything posted by davey77

  1. Justice, Justice, Justice.. where art thou?? awww I'm really sorry to hear it. At least you can hold your head up high even if the defendants or the judge can't!
  2. Hi reallymad... just caught up with your thread. Well done on the above! You deserve it for sure.
  3. I have spent the best part of the day reading this website.. Letters from BBC Television Licensing/intro I found it really absorbing and what was interesting was the comparison between the non-payment letters TVL send (BBC's front company) and the letters we all receive from creditors that are written in the same intimidating, harassing and misleading manner. I'm not suggesting everyone stop payment their TV licence (although it's not actually a licence but a payment for a service!) but if you don't have a TV or your tv is incapable of receiving broadcast signals and only used for watching DVDs then there is no law that forces you to buy a licence. The comparison letter used on the site about British Gas's response to being left for another company "sorry to see you go, what can we do to get your custom back" is shown in stark contrast to TVL/BBC's response of "you are a criminal, pay now or else". Also, the website owner says that after setting up his site and searching the whois thingy, all other domain names that were available with similar titles bbctvlicence...org...biz...net etc were bought up... by...guess who?.. the BBC! Guess they were scared others would have the same idea. If i lived on my own i would disconnect my TV, sell the aerial and use it only for DVDs (mostly Frasier and Reginald Perrin) thereby no longer requiring me by law to buy a TV 'licence'. But for now, while my old mum is about and has one in her bedroom (where she spends a lot of time) i will continue to obey big brother.
  4. Will look forward to see what Cabot have to say to that nowayjose!
  5. No worries... there are a lot of abbreviations here that, after a year, i still don't know what they mean! lol
  6. Well done for standing up for yourself although i would say that generally a letter is better than the phone as i hear alot of people get told one thing over the phone and another happens in reality. Personally i like everything in writing as it's proof. Unless you record the phone conversation of course!
  7. It's Money Claim Online. Although not gone down that route myself there are plenty here that know all about it. Her Majesty's Courts Service
  8. Oh Maggiebroom! I'm so pleased for you! That's great news! I almost wished i was being harassed again now too! A good way to go into Christmas knowing you have a pro on your side though! Well done!
  9. Better watch for guys in dark glasses and suits following you and avoid people with umbrellas (poisoned tips!!)
  10. awwww thanks fluffyK. I have noticed the change in myself too for sure! Really please if my thread has given you a boost! Just get mad sometimes.. that works! Keep popping back here often.. There's are lots of folks here ready to help! (Your majesty!)
  11. Hello HHNF.. aww thank you! Still writing! There are even times when the post is slow and i almost miss having a good reply to write! lol I remember when things were really bad and i was worried, i rang the Debt Line and she said 'you are in control' and that really helped a great deal at the time. Hope you are keeping well and its not too chilly up there. Only 10C here all nite last nite! Thank goodness for global warming otherwise i would need some pj's!
  12. hi BC.. I understand your scepticism about National Debt line's independence or agenda. I certainly had that when i first started on this road a year ago and at the time had never heard of them. I was also suspicious of the fact places like this are recommended by the creditors themselves. But, over the year i have rang them more than once and they have been really helpful and supportive and completely independent. They don't get you to give them all your information. That's entirely up to you, really. You don't get bullied or forced to give your details if you don't want to (unlike ringing creditors) and they are the ones that told me that an application form wasn't a proper agreement as well. You can even remain anonymous when you ring them and give them as much or as little detail as you want and they don't mind at all. So, looking back, i think my suspicions were unfounded. Even if they did chat to creditors about me (which they can't otherwise i would have them on the Data Protection Act!) I'm not too bothered. I have always been straight with them (creditors) and given correct financial statements. There's really nothing new they could learn about me. Unless they come on here and find out what letters i am going to send them a few days before they receive them!
  13. Yes it is.. as follows: Data Protection Act 1998 Subject Access Request Dear Sir/Madam ACCOUNT NUMBER: ***** ******* Please supply me with a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my banking history with your organisation. Alternatively, a complete set of statements for that period will be acceptable. Additionally, where there has been any event in my account history over this period which has required manual intervention by any member of your staff, or any other person, I require disclosure of any indication or notes which have either caused or resulted in that manual intervention, or other evidence of that manual intervention in relation to my banking business with you. If you are unable to supply this data because there has been no such manual intervention, then please be so kind as to confirm this in your response. I enclose the statutory maximum fee of £10. You have 40 days in which to comply. Furthermore, if I discover that you have levied disproportionate penalties against me, then I shall be reclaiming them, and also reclaiming the enclosed £10 Data Protection Act subject access request fee. If there is specific information which you require in order to satisfy yourself as to my identity, please let me know by return. However, please note that the above address is the one which you normally use to communicate my private business to me and which you have hitherto found to be acceptable. I also request a copy of any deed of assignment, past or present, in relation to the above account. Yours faithfully, me
  14. Fed up with Cahoot so sending the following letter off tomorrow with another SAR request and this time i am writing the account number and name and address on the back of the cheque. Let them try and bounce that one back to me! Dear Sir/Madam I refer to your letter dated 5 Sep 2007 in which you acknowledge my correspondence dated 30 Aug 2007 and the detail therein. In your letter you stated that you had requested a copy of an agreement relating to the above account number which was due to be sent by recorded delivery to the above address. As you are not doubt aware it is a Consumers legal right to request a copy of an agreement under the terms of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (section 77-79) and under such circumstances whereby an account is passed to a third party it is a legitimate and prudent request to ascertain correct documentation has been passed to said third party. I have to inform you that, after waiting patiently I have not, as of today's date, received the promised documentation as per my request. The fact of third party’s misleading and inaccurate correspondence, namely that of DMRS and their ignorance of the law and inability to supply a properly executed agreement does not negate that fact that the request is still outstanding. Similarly, the conduct of Buchanan, Clark + Wells, in their misleading and inaccurate statements and interpretations of the Consumer Credit act and OFT Guidelines, of which they have hitherto ignored, do not cancel the legitimate Consumer Credit Act request that I instigated. The statutory time frame as laid out in law has now lapsed and therefore Cahoot, as the original creditors, have committed a criminal offence. It is my intention without further notice to Cahoot to make a formal complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service should a properly executed agreement not be received by myself at the above address within 2 weeks of the date of this letter. Please also find enclosed in this recorded delivery correspondence a S.A.R (subject Access Request) including a cheque for £10 towards the processing of the subject access request. Please note that any further correspondence from Cahoot will be considered a Statement of truth in Law which may be retained for use in any future Court Proceedings and I reserve my rights under the Consumer Credit act 1974 and Office of Fair Trading Guidelines in respect to debt collection guidance and the supply of legal documentation. Yours sincerely, me
  15. lol yay! I didn't think it would work first time either!
  16. I agree with Under Siege.. i don't want a credit card again or a loan and i am long past spending too much time worrying about my financial heath but.. and there is a little 'but', i would like to move house and having defaults stops that in it's tracks. I rent privately, and there isn't an estate agent in the country that won't do a credit check these days. I know i certainly wouldn't rent a house out to me after looking at my credit file at the moment! That's the only drawback about defaults.
  17. Hey Fluffykitty! You might find my thread useful to flick through sometime as i am on carers allowance and although not going down the exact same route as you there may be tactics in my battle you might find helpful. Good luck http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mbna/57846-debt-written-off-due.html
  18. Crazy that i got this yesterday from EOS (Blair, Oliver and Scott) as i had this same one last October. They really don't know what they are doing! It's not very important but I'm going to try to embed the image on this page! Haven't done that before..
  19. hahaha yes true! The perspective of history though. This was made when many banks were considered servants of the people rather than the enemy of them. But yes, i'll give you that one!
  20. hey, TS really are the pits aren't they. But stick at it though. Perhaps they will get fed up with you and decide to start fighting in your corner just to get rid of you! I'm sure there must be a solicitor out there that has some backbone but finding one, that's the problem. The solicitor that dealt with the Halifax case is called Neil Mercer and he is also dealing with another similar case i notice. I wonder weather if you contacted him he may be interested? Halifax bombarded cancer patient with 762 calls over debt | 24dash.com - Bill Payments
  21. Have you thought about a solicitors letter? I know that would cost a small amount but if crap1 had correspondence from a legal body about 'their client maggiebrooms continued harassment' maybe if would have a greater effect. You wouldn't have to take it any further after that but if the solicitor could write a good letter citing the Halifax harassment case and stating that if the calls don't stop then a very public prosecution for distress, harassment and intimidation will be proceeded with immediately! Did you try the nation debt line people at all btw? D
  22. Hey bluedanny... i suspect they will hold off on legal proceedings hoping to grind you down first. It's cheaper for them that way! Really though, ringing you at work IS blatant harassment! Have you tried the national debt line for advice? They are very friendly and helpful and may suggest a route to take regarding being hounded at work! National Debtline, for FREE CONFIDENTIAL and INDEPENDENT ADVICE call 0808 808 4000 I know some here have made a police complaint regarding harassment although how successful those attempts were i am uncertain of.
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