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Everything posted by Josie8

  1. If they didn't issue a valid DN then frankly they are stuffed. Can you post up details of the Particulars of claim minus personal details
  2. Issue a Part 7 claim on a N1 form at small claims court. Don't bother corresponding any further
  3. you're right......its a good read:D
  4. If they can pay the 6 months up front then they should be ok. If so save on agency fees and deal with private landlord direct
  5. read in the Daily Mail yesterday that Experian had said they were going to concentrate more on their Debt collection arm.......................
  6. Its harrassment and breach of OFT guidelines. Report it to OFT (not that it will do much good) Chances of them having either a valid agreement or valid DN is remote ...............
  7. Just send off the CCA & SAR request first thing monday. Deal with court proceedings if they get issued don't worry yourself sick with the threat of issuing by DCA's
  8. and that you're not working..................
  9. Probably checking you live where you say and circumstances you have stated...............
  10. you would think so wouldn't you..............but no. However things may change now with the Unfair Relationship argument but thats in its infancy stage
  11. Yes because its in the T's & C's in the agreement you sign......................
  12. Lol!! No I meant shame to demean donkeys to the level of a DCA or Creditor lol!:D
  13. Guess thats a new way of putting it! Shame to equate DCA's & Creditors with donkeys though.....what have they ever done to you????:D:D
  14. scan the agreement up then we can see if it is enforceable or not
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