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Everything posted by cadencealex

  1. They are saying they want £300 and wont budge - shall I write to them? They wrote to me today offering £11 a month which is fair, but would rather pay them off right now..
  2. What would you say a fair settlement figure is on a debt of £400?
  3. I suppose they just don't consider that dogs may eat the packages or someone will pick it up who isn't supposed to. Swings and roundabouts I suppose. I would be extremely annoyed if a dog had eaten something valuable, like a certificate or something expensive!
  4. When is your little girl due?? Get on Freecycle Simonserenade - join your local group and ask for anything for a baby girl... you can ask for anything, and people if they have it and are getting rid will pass it on to you Your wife needs to eat for the baby, and you need to eat to stay strong for your family! I hope you have emailed your MP to hurry your situation along with the benefits agency? Chin up
  5. If you didn't sign a CCA you can fight them to remove the default as you didn't sign to give them permission to pass your details onto the CRA's - it's hard going though, and not many people seem to be successul with it but then it does depend on how much you complain/force court. I am doing the same right now
  6. We could just be grateful that we receive these things at all How many posties have we seen in the papers... with parcels and unopened letters under their beds Royal Mail are just so ethical aren't they...
  7. I wonder why these companies care so much - surely they would rather get their money than lodge a default? I think they should offer people the chance to pay, and they will thus remove the default.
  8. Thanks Mossy. Swinton was notified that the Car was no longer owned. They did not receive notice. The insurance was payable in installments every month. The Car was passed to another member in the family.
  9. Insurance company charged £45 for cancelling the policy because the owner no longer had the Car. Can they do this. Insurer was Swinton/Budget. Thanks. If not, what letter can be sent?
  10. You were forced into it. Same as I was. Different bank.. but due to charges they were messing my accounts up and swapping money around.. thus incurring more charges... :evil: You have one up though - you didn't sign anything to agree! Send them the CCA letter - obviously you never had one, so they can't provide one - then your debt becomes unenforceable. Also make sure they know the account is in dispute so they would be breaking the law if they did default.
  11. That piece of Waste paper has written your debt off....
  12. As you have a serious mental illness, you can have all of the debt wiped out subject to medical reports. I wouldn't worry about it. Usually a 4 month stay in the psychiatric unit does the trick, but I note that a report from the Dr will suffice these days So chillax
  13. It's just a set of generic T & Cs. At least Lloyds aren't recreating CCAs unlike Natwest
  14. hmm I am usually most grateful when signed for things appear in my house withouth me having to be there :-| Saves me a trip to the post place on a Saturday... .. but then on the flip side.. this is not good practise!
  15. There was a fridge in there too... hence the reason for me wondering in.. and when I put my head inside it ... it stank These chains should be made to close. Should we all lobby to have them exposed on Panorama
  16. I thought Brighthouse sold second hand stuff? I wandered in one in the High Street and sat on a grubby couch to wait... I was asked kindly to get off it seeing as it was up for Sale ... at over £1000 It was rotten :?
  17. I work for a Solicitors office and it is fully insured and regulated by the Law Society. I don't know whether they all have to be, but I would have thought all Solicitors have to be something to do with the Law Society seeing as this is how their qualifications are regulated, if I am not mistaken?
  18. Subscribing I thought someone had won against Next?
  19. Can you imagine my response to a silly woman in work who told me it was 'bankrupts not paying their debts' who caused the credit crunch I am just glad she is only part time...
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