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Everything posted by hazelnut

  1. This has been resolved I guess. Vodafone cannot fix the issue so have released me from my contract. They have given me a PAC code and won't charge me any exit fee.
  2. Hello I am back again! I thought my troubles were over with Vodafone but apparently this was wishful thinking! I have been unable to send texts or receive calls since January 8. I have made numerous complaints, have spoken to customer service reps via 191 who have plenty of platitudes about wanting to help me with my problem (this never happens) and have had one call back from an agent who claimed the issue would be resolved in 48 hours which was over 2 weeks ago. I was told that Vodafone had disconnected my number for reasons no one at Vodafone seems to know despite me paying my bill every month on time by DD. I have not ported my number over recently (I previously had issues with this the beginning of last year when I first joined) so I am more than confused why Vodafone has decided on this course of action out of the blue. I would appreciate my number being restored since ridiculously enough, I can still make calls but no one can call me as my number is supposedly invalid or callers are given the "you have dialled an incorrect number" message. I hope that this problem can be resolved and quickly as I am awaiting some rather important phone calls and do not want to miss them because of an error on the part of Vodafone. Any assistance would be much appreciated. I have submitted the Vodafone form as per instructions. The reference number is: WRT135 [#12499592]
  3. Well it took the better part of 2 months to be resolved but they eventually accepted that they had made an error in assigning me two accounts in the first place and they removed the marker from my credit report. I stopped dealing with customer services in the end as they were utterly useless and instead made a complaint directly to the CEO. I then had someone who phoned every few days to keep me updated on the progress they were making which was quite reassuring. They then eventually informed me that the marker had been removed and my score restored.
  4. Thanks for the reply. It took a month for my service to be restored, however, Vodafone has now put a late payment notice on my Credit Report totally wrecking my credit score. This is despite them claiming the problem was resolved and the duplicate account cancelled. I'm quite sick of dealing with Vodafone to be honest and could do without the constant aggravation. It just seems to be one problem after another and then it takes ridiculous amounts of weeks to get issues resolved.
  5. Thanks very much for this. I have applied for a temporary sim and will follow the link you posted. Hopefully I can get this resolved soon! The automated reply number I received is: [#9339185]
  6. Hello I hope somebody can help me as I'm at my wits end and Vodafone is stressing me out massively. I joined Vodafone in November 2014 having left T-Mobile after 12 years with them. I signed up to a 2 year contract with Vodafone, however, I have had nothing but problems since. I was incorrectly assigned two account numbers and charged for them both despite having only one phone and one mobile number. I contacted Vodafone several times over January and was told that one had been cancelled and removed from my account. This was finally confirmed on Thursday 29th January. However, the next day my phone had "no service" on the top of the mobile screen and I have been unable to make or receive any calls since. Tomorrow will be day four of having no service and despite makes several calls to Vodafone and visiting two different stores, no one has been able to fix my issue. I have been told both accounts were cancelled, then that this was not the case and I did have an account but my last visit into the store, the staff member could not find my mobile number on the system. I really have had enough and need this problem fixed immediately. I have had multiple sim swaps and had the phone checked out and there is nothing wrong with it apart from Vodafone not providing me any service. I really would appreciate someone please assisting me with this as I am getting nowhere either on live chat, in store or over the phone. This is possibly the worst time for this to happen as I am awaiting calls that are very important for my future and I am due to go away this weekend coming and need my phone to be working by then. Please could somebody assist me with this matter and get my phone up and running again as it should be?
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