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Mrs E Blackadder

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Everything posted by Mrs E Blackadder

  1. No Pedross, shops are not doomed - not while I am still alive!! Nothing like a good browse to cheer yourself up and personally I like to try my clothes on before I buy. There's nowt so depressing as having to return an item you really like because it doesn't fit in real life .
  2. So the guard spent time watching, but he gets paid doesn't he? So why are they asking for payment for his time??? He already gets paid a salary for attempting to keep the store secure, so the store is losing nothing. Yes, your nephew was wrong and I am sure that he is now more than aware of his mistake , but I really do think that they are skating on thin ice expecting money out of you for a) a crime that never actually took place and b) staff who are already being paid to do their jobs. They can't even claim that they lost money as a result of your nephew switching the tags and someone else buying the suit, because by noticing the tag had been switched then they had time to correct it. Also, if they tried to argue that members of staff had to deal with this who don't usually deal with these things, then maybe those members of staff are not qualified/trained to deal with such matters and therefore they should not be trying to claim any extra from you to cover expenses when those staff shouldn't have been dealing with it in the first place! Just a few thoughts there .
  3. I am just wondering what sort of loss they are referring to. After all, they got the goods back and you were refunded, so all is equal. If you had taken the goods then they would have lost out, but they haven't. Maybe you have some argument on those grounds - ie, what exactly have they lost that they need to claim from you. I would have thought the 'slap on the wrist' at the store should have been enough and once you left that should have been the end of it. You wouldn't necessarily have voiced any defence at the time because frankly your mind would probably have been going round in circles. Did they ever tell you what the correct price for the wallet was? If the cheaper price ticket was over the top of the more expensive one then maybe you could argue that you acted completely in good faith and had no reason to believe that the lower price wasn't the correct one. I've stopped shopping at TK Maxx because it is just so confusing. Often there are a number of tags on an item showing different prices and the whole place looks worse than a jumble sale.
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