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Everything posted by flooz

  1. Ah, thank you, you're a sweetie My title won't give much info, so here goes, keeping it as brief as possible... Bank loan with Nat West taken out latter part of 2006. Sent initial letter requesting credit agreement, which they couldn't supply. Subsequently sent 'Scott's' letter putting account into dispute. Also opened new account with another bank and am currently in the midst of closing my current account with Nat West to avoid any retaliatory behaviour from them. Have now received the following reply and I'm not sure how or even if I need to respond to it. Any help would be gratefully received.
  2. I am now dealing with a loan issue through NatWest, and would like to start a thread in the proper section. I've found the NatWest thread, but that seems to only be about bank charges claims. I want to 'be' in the right place, so can anyone tell me, for loan advice, do I still post in the NatWest thread? Or is there somewhere else I should go. Thank you.
  3. Initially, I was going to ask if it's possible to reclaim unfair bank charges on a business account, but looking through the forum, I can see that it is. So that's good news. At this moment in time, our bank charges are something in the region of £200-£300 a month - because we simply can't get into the black, and with charges like that it's proving even more difficult. But I need to ask a couple of things: 1. Our business is a partnership - so are there any special rules regarding a partnership as opposed to a ltd company? 2. We will be looking to deal with this on a 'hardship' basis, we should have no problem proving hardship as our income is zero, and has been for some time. At a time when banks are supposed to be helping small businesses keep going, we're finding the bank are doing anything but. We're currently looking at insolvency too, but not sure if that is relevant or not. Any advice is welcome.
  4. Hi No dosh. Afraid i can't answer your questions; i have the same question really. I'm sure there is something significant that will prevail if the agreement isn't drawn up properly (like ours appear to be) but I don't know what it is. All we can do I'm afraid is be patient and hope someone on here know the answers to help us.
  5. As they were signed at home, is there a major difference in the structure of the T&C's? Or should there be? Many thanks
  6. Firstly, ask for a copy of the contract, until you have that, it would be difficult to comment. Indebtstudent is correct, there is a totally different scenario for business accounts over domestic. If it is proved that the supply has been taken erroneously, then it will simply be transferred back and you will be billed by your previous supplier as if there was no break in their supply.
  7. It may be that your old supplier simply hasn't received the information from the appropriate meter services company with a closing read. Until they receive that information, they cannot close your billing account. When a supply is moved from one company to another, they will often 'deem' a change of supplier read (unless you provide each company with an actual read). Ensure that the reading to close your account with your old supplier is the same as the opening read with your new supplier.
  8. I used to work for npower. Firstly, check the mpan (or supply number) on each letter to see if they are the same. If they are, there can only be ONE registered supplier. You can either speak to both and ask them to simply check whether they are the registered supplier - they will be able to go on-line with mpas or ecoes I believe it's called now, to clarify. Get them to do it while you hold! If you have no success there, you should be able to contact ecoes direct and they will send to your address the details you require.
  9. Thanks Ida, it's my husband's loan, and it was applied for on-line, I believe the forms were sent through the post. does that help at all?
  10. Still trying to ascertain what applies here. The information I'm coming across is a little confusing. I'm not sure if it's the Sale of Goods Act that comes into play or The Sale and Supply of goods to Consumers Regulations. Does anyone know? Is there a difference between an 'Act' and 'Regulations'? Many thanks for any help.
  11. Please, can anyone help me on this? I know there's a thread somewhere about 'Is your agreement drawn up correctly' but to be truthful, I just don't understand it all. The main reason I'm trying to deal with all this (and this may affect any advice given) is our business is fast becoming insolvent (it's a leasehold pub) which may result in one or both of us becoming bankrupt. My (partial) reasoning is if I can sort out loans/CC's etc we may be able to avoid total bankruptcy. Does that make sense at all? If anyone can advise me, I'd be immensely grateful.
  12. T&C's received - hope they're legible
  13. I had a thread on General, but believe this is the correct place for posting, so I shall do just that. Sent CCA letter to northern Rock, who actually managed to send a signed agreement back to me. I just need someone who understand this stuff to explain to me, whether it's properly executed or not. I suspect it is. But thanks for looking for me, and hopefully I shall be successful in posting the details. I shall post the T&C's on a separate post....
  14. Thanks Scott. I shall sort it all out in the morning.
  15. Now I know i've seen threads for relevant institutions, but I'll be dammed if I can now find them. My loans/CC's involve : Nat West (loan) Capital One - or as I've seen carp1, lol (CC) and Northern Rock (loan). Would you please mind pointing me in the right direction of the appropriate section I need to post on. P l e a s e
  16. Thanks Scott - you made me smile (which isn't easy at the moment)
  17. Thanks Scott. I do believe it's one of 'your' letters than i'm about to use, following advice from cerbersalert (I may or may not have remembered that correctly, lol). I'm probably like many, and just don't know how to interpret responses received, and therefore don't know what letter to send. Or, like in one of my 'issues', have received a correctly signed agreement, but don't know if it's been drawn up correctly or not. I feel guilty asking for assistance, particularly when the information is probably already on the site, it's just such a huge site to find anything on. I've got a thread on 'general debt', but I think I need to start 3 separate threads under each section/company accordingly, to get further advice. I just thought it would be nice if it was easier for us 'mortals' had something to follow without having to keep bothering you 'experts'.
  18. Like many, I'm trying to deal with CCA stuff, with 3 different organisations. This site is invaluable for information to help, but the problem is finding the information. So many threads, many with thousands of posts on them, it's near on impossible to find out what to do. The Caggers that help are brilliant, but they must get tired of posting the same advice time and time again. What is needed is a flow chart type of thing, i.e. send this letter: if you get response (a), send this one, or if you get response (b) send this; and so on... Do you know what I mean? In an effort to help everyone, is that type of thing possible? Or does it already exist?
  19. Is it possible for me to delete this thread? Having spend some time finding my way round the site, I think I would be better starting threads under each financial organisation I'm dealing with. Thanks
  20. Well done Keefyboy - it goes to show that we shouldn't be 'scared' of taking on large 'bully' authorities, who rely on the 'little person' not knowing how to challenge them. I shall be PM'ing you for some information. Thank you.
  21. i think I may have found the answer. I've reviewed The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumer Regulations, which looks like it replaces The Sale of Goods Act. Can anyone confirm this to me? Thanks
  22. I'll try to be brief. Purchased a fridge/freezer from a major company via their on-line store. It was delivered 16 days ago. The item was for my mum. She complained to me the next day that it was making a 'knocking noise'. I spend a reasonable amount of time at my Mum's as her carer, and as I didn't hear it, I put it down to my mum's dementia (she hears things from time to time). Only yesterday, the fridge/freezer did it while i was there! I investigated, the noise appears to be coming from the compressor at the back. I phoned the company who want to send an engineer. that's fine with me, but I've said that as the fault was there from the start, I don't want a repair, and expect a replacement. They're telling me that they have the right to repair and not replace - which I disagree with. I'm certain that either the Sale of Goods Act or Distance selling regulations state that a fault developing within the first 6 months is deemed as faulty at time of purchase, and I don't have to accept faulty good. I'm reasonably sure i'm not misquoting, but just in case, is there anyone out there that can advise me of the facts and perhaps what I should quote to them next time we speak? Many thanks in advance.
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