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Everything posted by loobyloo35

  1. They say I am on the register, but on Call Credit it says not matched!
  2. I have received one and I have filled this in, so I will chase them up, thanks
  3. Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong section, but having just applied for my credit file online, I am not on the Electorall Roll at my current address even though I have been there for 18 months. How would I go about getting myself on this to increase my credit score, thanks
  4. I have just opted for online credit report facility and have noticed that I defaulted on the above in June 2003 HOWEVER, every single month since then they have inserted a DEFAULT right up to February 2009!!! So it looks like every month for the past 6 years I have defaulted! Surely I can get this removed - any help/letter would suffice to the relevant CRA Thanks
  5. No I havent as I only received their letter over the weekend, but they will just go back to Crap One. I will send the dispute letter first and see what happens. They have offered me £64 refunds on charges at the moment BUT that crossed with my letter asking for over £900 to be refunded so will also see what happens with that one.
  6. Hi have already CCA'd them, received some dodgy printed T&Cs etc., no siggie, now in dispute over charges, as they would then owe me money if I pull this one off!
  7. Hi My Crap One debt has been passed from Debit your ar&e to Fredrickson International whilst in dispute and whilst I am trying to claim back the charges. Can someone please post up the template for the account being in dispute and being tranferred to another DCA many thanks
  8. My debt has now been transferred to Frederickson Intertional - how dare they when the account is not only in dispute BUT also the debt owing is made up of charges!!! :mad:
  9. oh well it was worth a shot lol! I am in the process of trying to get the CCJ overturned, along with an income and outgoings form I have had to complete AND trying to fight the £5k of charges and interest they have added - deep joy! I do however, like your name for Welcome that did make me laugh!
  10. Does that mean my CCJ wont stand and I wont be chased for the debt i wonder?
  11. Can someone post this up for me please, seem to be having a HUGE blonde moment today and cannot find it! Thanks
  12. Hi thanks for the info, I will get one of these sent off today, but just whilst thinking...when I got home last night I received a notice of default from them, surely they cannot do this when the account is in dispute AND they have confirmed that they are not chasing the debt? Any advice appreciated as I would like to get something off to them in the post today thanks
  13. have now received another letter saying they are still trying to get hold of the CCA even though 24 days have passed blah blah blah however no action will be taken blah blah blah Shall I send them the 12+2 days letter now? Or shall I sen them something else?
  14. oh deep joy, its going to be a long slow and hard process eh! The thing is they cannot put duplicate defaults on can they so surely I can get the most recent ones removed? I guess its a case of working at your recent stuff on your CRA and going backwards as the older stuff will get removed after 6 years anyway
  15. Thanks Silverfox, help always appreciated. I dread to think what exactly is on my credit file as my score is nothing short of useless at the moment and I want to see what I can do to get things removed, improved etc.,
  16. With the letter that crossed with my request for a refund of all charges I have today received a letter offering £64!!! Well I guess they know where they can stick that one eh!
  17. Is there a template or a process to get duplicate defaults removed from my credit file please? I am going to take the plunge and try and get some of these sorted out. I know you cannot be defaulted for the same debt twice and some debtors seem to do this as well as making the default more recent! Also can DCA's put their stamp on your credit file once they have received the debt to chase? I have a debt which I have been advised they will no longer chase and have been told to send a Section 10 Notice - can someone tell me what this is please? Sorry for all the questions but I want to do everything I can to clear up my credit file, thanks
  18. Thanks for the info, but having not had my coffee this morning whats a Section 10 Notice and how does that work?
  19. That's great thanks, - I will take a look. However, have already sent the initial letter two days ago so will see what happens before I need to take the next steps.
  20. try www.whoscallingme.com that's usually pretty good
  21. Hi thanks for this, but I this is what I have received over the last few days. This is what is full of all these charges, so the next step would be really helpful please to see what I can do in getting this debt reduced, thanks
  22. Thank you - I am now off to spank their (Edit) in an imaginary sense you understand!
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