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Everything posted by loobyloo35

  1. I am going to write to them and ask them to provide me with particulars of the claim so that I can make contact with the Court and get it set aside
  2. When sending the letter to Trading Standards, do I send it to my local TS office or the one nearest CapQuest?
  3. thanks Have done the letter and copied it tonnes of times and put covering letter - guess I had better visit the PO later!
  4. You do realise I should be working and not surfing this website lol Ok so can I send both letters above as they both look great? Also, would i need to send letter to FOS and/or OFT signed and recorded or just first class post?
  5. That's great thanks ever so much. I will get it posted RD today. What happens if they ignore this letter though and issue the Stat Demand?
  6. That's good news because I was going to bed last night thinking I had to pay it! So I need to put together a good letter to fend off this SD threat and another reminding them its SB....... any ideas please?
  7. Last payment made July 2002, next payment made Jan 09 definitely SB So how do I get out of this SD then - shall I send a further SB letter?
  8. They threatened me with all sorts of legal action if I didnt pay, hence why I sent a payment in Jan this year. So one tells me the clock has started ticking yet the other says there is no debt if SB between final payment and next payment So which is correct?
  9. Ok will do, will put this in the RD tomorrow, This Crapbot seem to be coming out of the woodwork will all sorts of old debts that I know nothing about grrr!!!
  10. What did you do when you received yours did you reply or ignore it and if you did reply what did you say to them?
  11. So what shall I do? Shall I send them the statute barred letter again?
  12. Thanks for the link, but I am still confused! I have never had anything with Monument and my Barclaycard debt is being dealt with elsewhere for way more than this debt So shall I just reply do not acknowledge as I really don't?
  13. Can someone tell me who Monument are pls? Are they something to do with Barclaycard and/or anyone else? I have today received a letter from Cabot chasing a debt I owe to Monument and I have absolutely NO IDEA what this is for?
  14. I have been arguing a debt with CapQuest that I owe, the debt is SB, no payments have been made since 2002 apart from 2 that I made in Jan 09 this year and have been told that this is Statute Barred. They wrote to me saying it wasnt and I was told on this forum that's it up to them to prove that the debt is not SB. Anyway, I get home tonight and they are threatening me with a SD if I dont settle by 9 April 09. HELP! Please what Do I do?
  15. Thanks I will get on the case. Though the letter that I had sent them was RD and they HAVE signed and received it!
  16. Over the weekend received another letter from Fredrickson chasing debt plus Court charges, I have already written to them stating account is in dispute and assume that their letter has crossed with mine. Now what do I do?
  17. DOH why didnt I think of that lol! Sorry, coffee hasnt kicked in yet. Just rang them, they don't have a customer email address!
  18. Hi Has anyone got or can point me in the right direction for an email address for Wakefield CC please. I cannot find anything on the HMCS website, thanks
  19. It was done at Rugby. Having checked the CCJ details my DOB is wrong on there! I have the account number to which this debt relates to so shall I contact Barclaycard and get the CCA and the SAR request going ?
  20. In the week I received my Hearing date for May 09 to have my CCJ through WF set aside. I was told/advised that I need to make no payments until such date (through someone who has dealt with these before and not the Court) and to sit back and wait until this date. Two days later I received a suspened AOE from the same Court advising me to pay X amount per month starting April 09. Now I have been told that I shouldnt have received this or perhaps the relevant departments don't communicate. Can someone englighten me please. Do I need to start making payments or do I need to phone the Court and find out what they are doing? Thanks
  21. I have a Barclaycard CCJ on my old address (2006), which back in the day I would ignore all DCA letters etc, and this is the result. Having been contacted by Cabot for this debt, I wrote to them to say that I knew of no debt and to basically prove it - I then received a letter from their Solicitors and sent the same thing back to them - not realising at the time that this was a CCJ on my old house. Anyway, I have now received a letter from Cabot to confirm that this is a CCJ placed on me back in 2006 and to date no payments have been received. Could someone please help me with the following: 1. The debt that they say is massive compared to what I "think" I owe, so how would I go about finding this out - do I contact Barclaycard or Cabot? 2. Also do I need to find out if I have a CCJ on this? 3. I realise I may need to get the CCJ set aside, however, I don't really have any grounds to do this as I just didnt act on the debt when I was being chased, apart from the fact that debt I think is some few thousand more than I think it actually is. Can someone please respond ASAP so that I can deal with this first thing on Monday, thanks
  22. I thought CCJs dropped off your credit file after 6 years, does that mean they can still be chased for? I would like to get the one from last year set aside as its one that was added to my old property and I never received an paperwork - which funnily enough is also my grounds for the one Welcome have hit me for this year - hearing in May! I can see this is going to be a long slow process and my credit file is bu**ered for the next 5 years!
  23. That's great thanks - guess it always helps when you know what letter you are talking about I will get that sent off, thanks for your help - I will update this thread as and when they get back to me.
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