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Everything posted by jdes26

  1. Greed is the route of all evil u hear of a woman scorned but a male being fleeced I feel it's on the agenda!!!!
  2. No going down this road whatever he pays I guess will never b enough
  3. What I'm saying is if you didn't recieve court papers how were u suppose to defend claim?
  4. To get a ccj they would of had to have sent you court papers did you recieve this? If so you can appeal against this
  5. I'm dissapointed with system my ex says no money no kids simple my children are pawns in a chess game where I am the pawn and my ex is the queen we can't even communicate my hands are tied well she likes to think that but what she don't know doesn't hurt her but secretly is killing her hey we have ways ha ha ha ha ha
  6. Ok I emailed the lady I forget her name nice woman I chose to beat the system my own way I agree with you totally the csa doesn't work but what is an acceptable amount to pay?????
  7. Yes the csa check my accounts each year but aleast I can control my earnings and there's no DOE! You just have to cagey that's all
  8. Ps who are you? Have they hepled you? Do u pay csa?? Do u gave children?? What are your opinions on the csa??
  9. Yes I have spoke to them they suggested I stop all payments to the csa go to court don't speak to judge or answer your name basically don't let state law tell u what to do they believe csa should set what the nrp should pay they believe there is others ways I understand there views but they don't provide solutions
  10. Don't pay nothing let them default you they need to freeze interest and charges imediatley
  11. Yes I own up I wrote it it's my personal opinion and I believe that they are v good but there a complicated outfit I understand there stance on the csa but sometimes there solutions aren't practical
  12. I'm an electrician sounds like a major neutral fault anything damaged CLAIM!!!!
  13. We all have power cuts!! Why should power networks pay for appliances that " still work" when power is put back on??
  14. As for the loans if there in your name then your stuffed any ppi payments to claim back??
  15. ???????? Are you mad pay maintenance or mortgage don't pay both go self employed then they can't get a DEO when will people wise up to greedy ex wifes
  16. Send it asap if your self employed u get self assessement do u do this??
  17. Jdes self employed electrician now project manager for an electrical company from Dublin but based in London honestly I feel lucky but I work hard there are many electricians struggling what a poor excuse weather!!!!!
  18. Ps contact your mp they hate that!!!!!
  19. If your not working how can you pay get legal advice and claim legal aid write down your exact earnings make a dossier of all relevant information a judge won't put you away if your not earning
  20. Go for it what can they do naff all
  21. Hi so do you still have any money to pay on loan when and why did you stop paying and ppi on loan which can be reclaimable and don't lose that letter stating they haven't got the agreement when was the date of loan?
  22. Update recieved letter this morning from good old lloyds saying 1. We are extending your overdraft for another year 2. We won't be paying you back any charges so gona wait for SAR and see what arises also not charging interet for November jdes
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