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Everything posted by Hippy-chick

  1. It would certainly make me look out for his posts more. Can you find likewise for uk and bluey? (where's the "panting" emoticon?)
  2. You two are turning the Bear Garden into the Night Garden.
  3. Do share it with us, oh Queen No greens tonight then - chickens (awk)
  4. Course you can, kia. Better still, let's all come with you. He can't hurt you then
  5. Darn, i'm going to miss the prize giving. Gotta go out, eat pizza and drink lots.
  6. It had better be summat good, CF -just think what they'll be doing t oyou otherwise!
  7. Maybe you should tell CF what you want as a present, kia
  8. Erm ... I started in January, as usual. It hurts less if I buy things when I see them - can't stand the shops at this time of year. Bet I've forgotten somebody though ...
  9. uk You're gonna regret saying that ... Dearie me - potions, spells ... and who knows what else.
  10. LOL Tigs Do you really want me to prove who's the hardest here? Git yer arse up to my bit and I'll show you who's hard! Uk - quite agree - part timers!
  11. Hiya uk - nice to see someone around. Yeah, I was just posting in the debt forum and sending silly messages on facebook. As there's been nobody here to play with.
  12. Hey lou Yes - there's a lot of nice folk here - made me feel so much better when I found CAG - wish I'd found it years ago. Send that "don't call me" letter asap. Unfortunately, it probably won't stop them. I know it's your parents' place - but now your mum knows the score, maybe you could look at getting Mrs Sh*te's number call barred? Maybe as long as your dad thinks it's to do with the debt he knows about he would agree? xx HC
  13. Oh deary me, where are the greens - Have they been scared off by our Queen's witty repartee and rhyme? I know they say they haven't time to post tonight - but is that right or are they running scared tonight? Pray tell me, boys, what can I say to persuade you all to come and play? I'm sitting here, feeling quite bereft My fellow angels have upped and left.
  14. Hey lou Just wanted to say well done for talking to your mum. I had to tell my folks about my money fiascos years ago, so I know how hard the first conversation is. DCAs buy debts for a fraction of the original debt and add on ridiculous charges - that's how they make their money. Folk who do not know any better pay them. Don't be scared of the calls. What is the worst they can do to you over a telephone? Anyway, you don't have to talk to them - just say "in writing, please", answer no questions and put the phone down. Keep your chin up, and remember that we're all here rooting for you. HC
  15. LOL I really don't think you should talk about plumbing, Queen T, after the comments last night. :o
  16. Well all she has to do is find the pub I'm in and I'll buy her a drink!
  17. And leaves it wide open for me to go .............. (drum roll) Barbican
  18. A £10 drinks voucher - we'll spend it next week. We'd win more often if the boys in my team listened to me more.
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