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Everything posted by Hippy-chick

  1. Glad to hear it revdrun - that's what we're all here for. Sleep well - I do since I found this site. And keep us posted. HC Oh - you should send the letter ... gosh I've gone blank - is it recorded or registered? Whichever one they have to sign for. Worth the money to have the proof that they received it.
  2. Stootoph and Murdoch 2007 (forthcoming) Hyde Park Corner
  3. *sulk* Ask a girl a question then don't wait around for the answer. I bet you would not dare treat Queen T with such disregard.
  4. I'm fine uk phew - can we stop rhyming now? how's the new outfit?
  5. The greenies have all gone, I see They started full of bluff But were no match for our Queen T Who really knows her stuff.
  6. Can't argue with that! Vauxhall (boring I know, but sometimes the set moves are the best)
  7. I like my pasty without meat as for tea, I drink it neat If you add milk, you're just a girl and adding sugar makes me hurl
  8. oooh - I spy two greenies. I love Laphroiag best, Talisker a close second, and I'll take a Dalwhinnie when it's offered.
  9. You share your malt. With mere men. :o Mine's well and truly hidden away. What's your favourite?
  10. I think he just needs a bit of gentle persuasion, Queen T. Or a couple of drinks inside him.
  11. You've created a monster, Lula. Mr Lula - leave Lula's pc alone.
  12. Ha! I was hoping that you'd fall for that. Always works. I could finish it all now, but I'm loathe to cash in on such an elementary mistake. So I'll turn a blind eye, keep the moral high ground and go ... Notting Hill Gate
  13. I'm really not sure if that's a valid move, but my rule book's in my office, so I'll let it go (I'm sure that Section 4, parag 14(a) would tell me what I want to know). Finsbury Park
  14. Haha - he's run away. Maybe he's having second thoughts
  15. See, I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm aware there is a game called football, but that's about it. Now rugby, that's a game.
  16. You castrate them. :o What other purposes do men have?
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