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Everything posted by Hippy-chick

  1. Hey Hedgey I've got room for a little one at my bit if you make it up here.
  2. My, it's quiet here tonight. I reckon they're all off trying to come up with something to say to us angels.
  3. kia - they really are hiding, aren't they? I'm going to go out to the pub and wind up some men there.
  4. Are you calling me a nightmare? Come over here and say that.
  5. A) Yes. You need to do an S.A.R. Sorry, I'm running around like a headless chicken at the moment and can't locate a link to this. B) I don't see why. I haven't told my creditors my new address, I just use my folks as a c/o address. C) Yes. You need the phone harassment letter - again, here somewhere, but I'm being headless again. Edit: They're in the library here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/ Subject Access Request and Telephone Harassment. Edit as needed. Post on here before sending and somebody will check them for you. Send recorded delivery so you have a record of them getting it.
  6. A debt becomes statute barred if there has been no payment or written acknowlegement of the debt for a period of 6 years. Over the phone does not count. But, if you deferred in writing in 2002, that counts as an acknowledgement.
  7. Hi Pickle When, exactly, did you last acknowledge this debt to them in writing? When did you last make a payment? I think these could be statute barred, so the timings are very important (has to be over 6 years). HC
  8. I aim to knock any remaining common sense right out of them
  9. I've been up for aaaages! Spent all morning confusing students, now taking the afternoon off.
  10. :o So insulted I can't speak. I won't even VISIT that place! I'm a trainee weegie.
  11. Hi Tigs And I'll be psychedelic angel please, oh Queen
  12. Well, I can't sit here all night chatting - I've got my audience to prepare for (just a small gig tomorrow, Royal Albert Hall: Hippy-Chick - how fantastic is she? - usual audience of thousands - expecting my OBE in the post any day now ) Still, not a bad move, I'll give you that. But it does allow me a free transfer. So I'll go Chigwell. Not a move I'd often make, but in this situation I can't fail.
  13. I think the lack of nicotine is affecting you, sweetie. Even the great Hasitov never tried claiming a whole line in one move.
  14. Enough of your cheek thanks BO. I wrote the rule book on this! People flock in their thousands to see my highly acclaimed lecture series (Just google "Spoon and how to avoid it: Hippy-chick reveals all). Anyway, this one is soooooo easy. Swiss Cottage.
  15. I beg to differ BO, but these new variations are subtle, so I appreciate you not getting it. All will become clear! Bayswater Watch your triangulation, all.
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