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Everything posted by tnook

  1. Is there a template letter? I think anyone in this situation / level should send in the strike out letters.
  2. Hmm just spoke to the court manager to check if they had received Barclays Court Bundle, obviously they didn't. They also didn't receive any "stay" requests. When I asked the lady if I could request a judgement based on their failing to file their bundle and failing to follow the direction of the court she became very vague. Said that on the day the judge would consider it, but that it was not usual to request it in advance. She then suggested I get legal representation to gain clarity on the situation. Very helpful. I am double worried as: 1. the OFT/FSA test case issues and 2. I can't make it to the court hearing date any more due to a personal clash Any advice on how to request the judgement based on Barclays non compliance? Also does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do regarding my not being able to attend the hearing itself?
  3. Great to hear you are working on a template! Is there a sample letter I can send the judge today to ask him to consider striking out their defence, in the hope of getting in before the stay request?
  4. I'm in the same position, submitted my bundle before the test case announcement and Barclays didnt submit theirs. Can we write to the judge and ask them to strike out their defence for non compliance and request a judgement before the hearing? Or can we only make this suggestion at the hearing itself?
  5. If Barclays start sending in lawyers to the hearings to request a stay, is there a defence we should be preparing in order to try to presuade the judges not to allow for a stay?
  6. Anyone? How do I get the hearing date changed? I suspect it will get stayed anyway now, but I want to make sure I did everything properly.
  7. Grim grim grim. Very dissapointed in the OFT and FSA for allowing these suspentions.
  8. The deadline for submiting court bundles was the 25th of July. I made sure mine got to Barclays and the court before then. Unsurprisingly Barclays never submitted theirs. Can I ask the court for a judgement based on their failing to comply with the court directions? Kinda want to make sure something happens before the case gets stayed and bogged down in the OFT Test Case molases.
  9. Sorry to hear it Anita. I get a feeling my case will also be Stayed. Nasty banks.
  10. My case is late August, I have just found out that I won't be able to attend due to a family commitment. Is there a way I can postpone the hearing?
  11. Walked my Court Bundle to the county court yesterday, Very friendly girl behind the counter, she grinned and said "let me guess Bank Charges?". How much should I claim from Barclays for the waste of time preparing the court bundle was?
  12. Kate Ashton is also the silent type. No replies to any of my calls or emails. All went into my court bundle as evidence that I tried to settle out of court.
  13. Completed my court bundle. A whopping 240 pages. My printer is smoking. Definately going to go for wasted time costs after this is done. Do I need to fill in a form when submitting it to the court? Deadline is end of next week but I want to walk it to the court myself. Barclays copy has been posted this morning. The litigation team must have gigantic recycling bins
  14. Preparing court bundle and have a couple questions: 1. Do I need the T&C's from the year I opened my account (1989) or will T&C's from for example 1996 be ok? 2. I am copying the bank statements, do I need to copy all sheets or just the ones which contain the bank charges I am reclaiming? Thanks for any help! Much appreciated!!!
  15. Having no joy with Kate, she ignores emails and phone calls. Deadline for my Court Bundle is next week. I am going to prepare and send it today. Should I include copies of the emails as proof that I tried to settle?
  16. Been almost 2 weeks since I emailed Kate to see if Barclays would settle. Should I email again or phone? Court date is August 22nd.
  17. Thanks for the tip Penny, I have sent Kate em email and shall see if I get a reply.
  18. Wow! Sent an email to Dino requesting the contact details of the team member dealing with my case and I got a reply in under 2 minutes!!! DINO YOU STAR!!!!! Found out that Kate Ashton is handling my case. I have sent her an email to see if Barclays would like to settle. I shall get back to sorting out my court bundle now.
  19. Took the plunge but seemed to get everyones voicemail. I left a message with Krysta. Wonder if I will get a response, or if I should call back on Monday?
  20. Got my court date at the end of August and the deadline for documents is end of July. Do you think its too early for me to call the lovely people at the litigation team to try to get them to settle?
  21. Just checked on MCOL, Barclays have filed their defence. I shall look forward to seeing the standard letter. Is it worth me writing to Barclays to give them a chance t settle?
  22. I'm in the same boat. About to start to reclaim late payment fees from an old Amx Corporate Charge Card.
  23. tnook

    Amex Amazement!

    I had an American Express Corporate Charge Card a few years back. The company I used to work for paid the annual fee but I was responsible for the balance, payments and charges. Since it wasn't strictly a credit card, ie the balance needed to be paid off each month does anyone think I can still claim my charges back?
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