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Everything posted by tnook

  1. Thanks slick132. I mentioned it to them on the phone when they called me 3 times today but they insist that they expect the balance to be cleared irrespective of the case and that its a separate matter. In the mean time Barclays said they would pursue their collection process. Perhaps I need to send them a letter.
  2. Recently I had to move to my parachute account since Barclays charges were making it impossible to function. The entire overdraft is comprised of them now plus more. The balance and more are in court being disputed, although the case is stayed like everyone else. Barclays collections are currently hounding me to pay back the excess over the overdraft limit. Althought this is also comprised of their charges. Is there a way to get them to back off until the OFT test case is completed? Thanks for your help
  3. My case was stayed like all the others. My claim went back six years from then which was back to 2001. Can I claim the interest that far back now, or can I only go back six years from now to 2003?
  4. Hope you claim goes well Bookie! I've already got a stayed claim from July 2007 in the system I was going to submit a new one with some more charges. Can I mix the old style charges with the new "reserve fees" in a single claim? Thinking of just going down the court route.
  5. Of course we all know the fees are not for a service they provide, they are penalty charges but I was wondering, if the banks are claiming that the charges are for a service..... have they passed the VAT for the service they allege to provide on to the inland revenue? Should the tax man be asking for his money from the banks? Should business owners ask for VAT receipts for the service charges and claim back the VAT? Just wondering if there is a can of worms here the banks have overlooked.
  6. Chester County Court are now issueing blanket stays.
  7. Why does this charter read like a capitulation? I agree with all the changes proposed in the above post.
  8. I couldn'nt attend my hearing too. I wrote to the court manager and asked fot the hearing to be adjourned which they did.
  9. With the banks hiding smugly behind the Test Case, should we all start claiming CCI just to add a little pressure? The longer the banks delay, the higher their potential penalties when they lose the case...
  10. Very dissappointed that the court is considering this blanket stay of all bank cases. I guess I shall warm up the challenge to the Stay documents
  11. Wrote to Christine Russel MP - Chester today.
  12. On the phone to the court. My case was adjourned till the end of October. The court manager also said that they are currently reviewing all bank cases and are likely to implement an indefinate stay on all bank cases until the test case is resolved.
  13. No reply from the court yet about the adjournment request, case is on the 22nd. I'll give the court manager a call.
  14. Got a standard letter from the litigation team this morning explaining their intent to request to stay all cases and also explained the OFT and FSA test case.
  15. Sent the letter yesterday. lets see if the case gets adjourned
  16. Is the wording here ok?
  17. You should have sent in the bailiffs Could have got 250 pounds for showing the video of it on You've Been Framed
  18. Ok I am drafting my letter to get the case adjourned. I am just a little worried about the reason that I can't make the trial. :o It took so long to get a trial date from starting the MCOL process that the court case is now during my wedding and I'll be gone 2 weeks after that. Will it err get laughed out of court?
  19. Hi welshcakes, I have written to them and called them several times over the last 3 weeks and they ignore all my attempts to settle. I included copies of all the letters and emails trying to settle with them in my court bundle. How do I ask for an adjourment? Do I just write to the judge or is there a form to fill out? Thanks for your help!
  20. Thanks for the replies. Its the actual trial that I cannot attend.
  21. I recently discoverd that I have a personal clash with the hearing date that has been allocated to me. I am totally unable to move the personal meeting. Whats the best advice on how to handle this? I have been very thorough in my preparations, letters, 237 page court bundle, met all the deadlines, etc and was really looking forward to the hearing. I am worried since if I don't turn up I will most likely have the case struck out. Should I leave instructions for the judge? Try to get an adjournment? The hearing is in 3 weeks.
  22. I guess we should all start claiming Compounded Contractual Interest. The banks are keen for us to have plenty of time to accumulate it
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