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  1. i would also inc this. the claim SHOULD HAVE BEEN STRUCKOUT, we dont usually see a defendant HAVING to request it. @AndyOrch can you look over the WS please dx
  2. no they did not .....you only ignore until/unless you ever get a letter of claim. if you'd read up too you would of seen this in every one of the other 10'000+ speculative invoice threads here now move on get that q&A sticky done please dx
  3. typical utter total bogroll from link. at least the dn is sort of compliant though it is a recon ....as it has merge fields %% at the top ....so could of come from links vast fiilng cabinet and just had your details type in over someone elses after blanking it out.... now now link would do that...oh yea they do..masters of it.....all faked paperwork and none means anything regarding enforceability. nada zero. have a read up here of the threads to search for i gave pop up your WS as soon as ready dx
  4. totally powerless if they do a dca is not a bailiffs on any debt and have ZERO legal powers on ANY debt no matter what it's type dx
  5. thread tidied they still would need to pay £275 to raise an N244 to lift the stay and or strike out defence and go for summary judgement. simply ignore this change of sols nothing you can nor need to do the claim is still well stayed. dx
  6. 10/10 jimmy yea well most of us dont come from an ex national debt line/payplan/stepchange/CAB/crap own website/ whatever indoctrinated background whereby its inbred to believe the crap these company's trot out to their so called advisors is correct had soo many of them here over the years that just cant believe the stuff they've been told is WRONG and simply waste our time coming here with so called proof they are experts....NOT!! they usually disappear for a few years then either comeback or try and change usernames and try again spouting their utter rubbish dx
  7. bogroll then. yours is not the next move but do read those threads please dx
  8. thread title updated. so you didn't you reply to the paploc with a snotty letter rather than vanishing for 2 months.... please complete this:
  9. thats because jpg files can be seen by anyone , we dont want that ..so use pdf as members have to register to see them. you cant merge jpg files on a site that says its a pdf merge site .., you convert the redacted jpg files to pdf on the other site listed in upload..THEN you merge them to one mass pdf using that site you tried...
  10. plenty of link claimform n244 defendant witness statements here use our enhanced google searchbox. dont worry if you are a day or so late your are a LiP. can you scan up to ONE MULTIPAGE pdf everything WS wise link have sent you either in previous returns/buddles from then. barclaycard debts of that era are very very difficult to get signed agreements on, in fact BC dont have them, never did. lots of barclaycard claimform threads here to read too. get the claimants ws etc up (WE DONT NEED STATEMENTS) and we'll help you with yours thread title updated dx
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