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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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A & L PPI letter....

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I am another one who received the standard looking "we may have miss sold" Alliance & Leicester letter, I have a few questions....


I have two loans with them and the letter gave me no indication as to which loan the letter referred to. As a result I sent them a letter asking to clarify which account the miss sold PPI was linked to, recorded delivery in their own envelope.


I also sent separate letters (templated) under CPR 31.16(3)©&(D) for each account. The response date for these was 4 May.


Four days after sending them I received a letter referring to one account saying they were looking into it, but no response from either their PPI team (that sent the initial letter) or in relation to the other account......


Any advice on where I should go? How long from the date of their response with no copies of anything I asked for should I wait?


On a side note, I sent the same templated letter to Abbey about a loan I have with them, still no response.......straight to the next letter with them?

Edited by Gizz
Update and help needed
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I am another one who received the standard looking "we may have miss sold" Alliance & Leicester letter, I have a few questions....


I have two loans with them and the letter gave me no indication as to which loan the letter referred to. (Could it have been both? do you have the dates of the loans? and do they tie in with this link from FSA giving the dates involved.....http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pages/Library/Communication/PR/2008/115.shtml


As a result I sent them a letter asking to clarify which account the miss sold PPI was linked to, recorded delivery in their own envelope.


I also sent separate letters (templated) under CPR 31.16(3)©&(D) for each account. The response date for these was 4 May.


Four days after sending them I received a letter referring to one account saying they were looking into it, but no response from either their PPI team (that sent the initial letter) or in relation to the other account......


Any advice on where I should go? How long from the date of their response with no copies of anything I asked for should I wait?


On a side note, I sent the same templated letter to Abbey about a loan I have with them, still no response.......straight to the next letter with them?

Yes another letter back to the originator of the you may have been mis-sold letter.


Explain the situation fully about your accounts and tell them you will expect a speedy response within 14 days or you will issue further complaints to the FSA, OFT, FOS that should hopefully concentrate their minds after a £7m fine.

Edited by alanalana
link added

I have no legal training and the advice I offer is a matter of support. Before you commit to any Legal action you are advised to contact a qualified legal practitioner.


Bank charge successes:

Halifax - Full settlement incl interest.

HSBC - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 75% of claim.

RBS - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 70% of claim.

2 ongoing claims for bank charges with HSBC with more to come. (Supreme Court ruling could have upset these claims) They did :mad:

PPI Successes

PPI 4 settlements on 9 loans. FOS involvement on 7 added on the 8 % Statutory interest another 30% to both.

2 claims settled in full with LV without FOS involvement.

2 claims settled in full with HSBC without FOS involvement


PPI Claims ongoing with:

Cap one Now with the FOS

Barclays. Paid up today 24/04/10 cheque received for over £4,500 and in the bank.

LTSB still have to decide on this as their SAR production was abysmal. Papers data mixed up documents missing etc


1 Complaint not upheld by FOS they said it was ICO issue. Complaint upheld by ICO. See this..

Post 290 from

***RBS PPI Claim Long fight but, WON***


Please do not PM me for advice as it may be sometime before I can respond.


Keep at them. Do not give way and do not accept all they tell you, they will delay and stall for as long as they can to prevent repaying you your mis-sold PPI.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I sent the second template letter on 13th May.


On 14th May (before they would have received my letter) I got a letter saying it obviously takes time to look into these things and they would be in touch as soon as possible, still no mention of any figures involved in the PPI that THEY told me about........


Today I've received another letter from them. Again with nothing i have asked for but saying that since I have complained they now have a complaints team looking into the matter.......and that if they haven't contacted me within another four weeks then they would gaain contact me to update me......


Is it me or does this stink of time wasting?


Do I move on to the next stage? I know it's the County Court in England, so is it a District Court here in Scotland?


All help appreciated as we are now four months from them telling me they had missold me PPI......

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Ok, I sent the second template letter on 13th May.


On 14th May (before they would have received my letter) I got a letter saying it obviously takes time to look into these things and they would be in touch as soon as possible, still no mention of any figures involved in the PPI that THEY told me about........


Today I've received another letter from them. Again with nothing i have asked for but saying that since I have complained they now have a complaints team looking into the matter.......and that if they haven't contacted me within another four weeks then they would gaain contact me to update me......


Is it me or does this stink of time wasting?


Do I move on to the next stage? I know it's the County Court in England, so is it a District Court here in Scotland?


All help appreciated as we are now four months from them telling me they had missold me PPI......


I am not familiar with the court procedures as I went the FOS route it took longer but I had no hassle and got back over £10k it took nearly 12 months but the FOS had a result in four months. I know others have waited much longer.


You will need to ask in here...... Legal Issues

for information on the court route in Scotland.



I have no legal training and the advice I offer is a matter of support. Before you commit to any Legal action you are advised to contact a qualified legal practitioner.


Bank charge successes:

Halifax - Full settlement incl interest.

HSBC - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 75% of claim.

RBS - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 70% of claim.

2 ongoing claims for bank charges with HSBC with more to come. (Supreme Court ruling could have upset these claims) They did :mad:

PPI Successes

PPI 4 settlements on 9 loans. FOS involvement on 7 added on the 8 % Statutory interest another 30% to both.

2 claims settled in full with LV without FOS involvement.

2 claims settled in full with HSBC without FOS involvement


PPI Claims ongoing with:

Cap one Now with the FOS

Barclays. Paid up today 24/04/10 cheque received for over £4,500 and in the bank.

LTSB still have to decide on this as their SAR production was abysmal. Papers data mixed up documents missing etc


1 Complaint not upheld by FOS they said it was ICO issue. Complaint upheld by ICO. See this..

Post 290 from

***RBS PPI Claim Long fight but, WON***


Please do not PM me for advice as it may be sometime before I can respond.


Keep at them. Do not give way and do not accept all they tell you, they will delay and stall for as long as they can to prevent repaying you your mis-sold PPI.


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Thanks for the quick response Alanalana, do you have a link to an FOS template letter?


I think since A&L instigated this, and all I have asked for is the information required to make an informed choice, the FOS may be interested?


Two recorded delivery letters asking for copies of my original signed credit agreement so I can make an informed choice on the question THEY ARE ASKING ME....... I may be lucky that this turns out to be unenforceable and that's why they are stalling, if not the least they could do is give me some figures......


My two loans are for £4k and £12k, and I suspect the PPI is on the £12k loan.....so may be enough to clear the £4k one....

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Thanks for the quick response Alanalana, do you have a link to an FOS template letter?


I think since A&L instigated this, and all I have asked for is the information required to make an informed choice, the FOS may be interested?


Two recorded delivery letters asking for copies of my original signed credit agreement so I can make an informed choice on the question THEY ARE ASKING ME....... I may be lucky that this turns out to be unenforceable and that's why they are stalling, if not the least they could do is give me some figures......


My two loans are for £4k and £12k, and I suspect the PPI is on the £12k loan.....so may be enough to clear the £4k one....


Everything you need on the FOS including how to complain, you should find in these links.


Links that may help with your claim for Mis-sold PPI

Financial Ombudsman Service




Also if you feel A&L have not fully complied with your Subject Access Request you can complain here...


For the Information Commissioners office. (this is an option if the DSAR is not complied with)



Information Commissioner's Office - Information Commissioners Office




Complaints - Information Commissioners Office


Hope this all helps.



I have no legal training and the advice I offer is a matter of support. Before you commit to any Legal action you are advised to contact a qualified legal practitioner.


Bank charge successes:

Halifax - Full settlement incl interest.

HSBC - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 75% of claim.

RBS - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 70% of claim.

2 ongoing claims for bank charges with HSBC with more to come. (Supreme Court ruling could have upset these claims) They did :mad:

PPI Successes

PPI 4 settlements on 9 loans. FOS involvement on 7 added on the 8 % Statutory interest another 30% to both.

2 claims settled in full with LV without FOS involvement.

2 claims settled in full with HSBC without FOS involvement


PPI Claims ongoing with:

Cap one Now with the FOS

Barclays. Paid up today 24/04/10 cheque received for over £4,500 and in the bank.

LTSB still have to decide on this as their SAR production was abysmal. Papers data mixed up documents missing etc


1 Complaint not upheld by FOS they said it was ICO issue. Complaint upheld by ICO. See this..

Post 290 from

***RBS PPI Claim Long fight but, WON***


Please do not PM me for advice as it may be sometime before I can respond.


Keep at them. Do not give way and do not accept all they tell you, they will delay and stall for as long as they can to prevent repaying you your mis-sold PPI.


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Here's the letter I e-mailed to the FOS, do you think it was worded ok......? I'm a bit new at all this.....




I was wondering if you could give me some advice on an issue.


Alliance & Leicester acc nos.xxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxx


The Alliance & Leicester contacted me in March of this year with a very non-specific "Dear Customer" letter relating to PPI. As I never take out PPI due to the nature of my job (Prison Officer), I presumed it was a generic letter to all their customers due to the fine they received for miss-selling PPI and set it aside.


Two weeks later I received another letter from them, this time addressed to myself "Dear Mr Mitchell". It again related to a PPI that I had, and stated that they would be happy to refund the PPI and continue with the loan. This letter had a reference number on it which in no way related to any account I have with them.


After doing some research I wrote back to them asking for copies of my original signed credit agreement for both loan accounts I have with them under Civil Procedure Rules (Pre-action protocols and Part 31.16) so I could attempt to work out which loan account they were referring to as they had not given me any way in which to make an informed decision on the questions they were asking me. I gave them one month to respond with the paperwork requested.


These letters were posted recorded delivery on the 12 April and were received and signed for by the Alliance & Leicester.


On 16 April I received a response from a Chris Woollatt, Case Manager, Group Customer Relations. This letter thanked me for contacting them, stated they would look into the matter (which they raised) and get back to me. This letter included one of my loan account numbers but in no way related anything to do with a PPI.


On 13 May I decided to write again. This time I made a formal request for information CPR part 31.16. I noted that I had not received copies of either of the agreements which I requested. I again stated that my reasons for requesting copies of the original signed credit agreements, that were,


1) I had reason to believe there may be discrepancies which may leave the agreement improperly executed.


2) I believed Payment Protection Insurance was not correctly incorporated within the agreements.


3) I believed that there was a commission paid in respect of one of these agreements which has not been disclosed to me and therefore is a breach of agency law.


I also stated that the disclosure of these documents would allow me to consider any claim I may have against their organisation and will allow the matter to be dealt with possibly without the need for costly litigation (again, if they give me details, I can answer the question THEY asked)


On this letter I gave them a further two weeks to comply and asked that should they choose not to comply, could they please give their reasons in writing as to why.


On 14 May I received a letter again from Chris Woollatt saying they were still dealing with this matter but it was taking them some time and could I be patient.


On 22 May I received a letter from Neal Mehta, Chief Operating Officer, Group Customer Relations again thanking me for contacting them, apologising about the fact I have been so unhappy I have had to complain. That one of his team would be investigating my complaint and stressing the importance they place on customer service.


To this date I have heard nothing else and as such feel I must complain on the following points.


Alliance and Leicester contacted me about miss-selling me PPI, they asked me for a decision although they gave no account number and stated no figures.


When I requested copies of my original signed credit agreements to allow me to work out where and why I had been given a PPI (if it was in the paperwork at all) they have decided to investigate their investigated PPI. No response to the documents I requested.


When I again requested copies of the original signed credit agreements to allow me to answer THEIR question as to whether I was happy with the PPI they had miss-sold me (again, their wording) they decided to investigate the complaint, about the investigation, about their investigated PPI.


This stalling is leading me to believe that they may have done one of the following.


1) They do not have the original signed credit agreement I have asked for a copy of (in which case why am I paying money to them?)


2) They have deliberately miss-sold me PPI and it isn't included in the documentation as I not only never asked for it, I actually stated I had no need for it (leading me to think it's an unenforceable loan)


Your advice on this issue would be most welcome, as would an investigation into this matter to stop me from proceeding through the courts to highlight the great importance of Alliance and Leicester Customer Service. If you require any other details please let me know.



Colin Mitchell


Fingers crossed this turns out to be unenforceable.......:D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I've sent the FOS all copies of my interactions with A&L, in the meantime I've received yet another letter from A&L saying they are still looking into my complaint, ignoring the fact I have asked for information so I can look into it and low and behold today........


I received a letter saying they have decided they are unable to establish whether I was provided with sufficient details to make an informed decision when the policy was taken out (wasn't that exactly what they're original letter stated) and they would like to offer me....well, I'll let you read it.....




I shall be sending copies of both the last delay letter and this offer to the FOS of course, and shall be writing yet another letter back to A&L stating that from day one, since I received their letter I have not asked that THEY look into the matter, but would like a copy of my original signed credit agreement so that I can look into the matter and make an informed decision. I shall inform them that this matter is now in the hands of the FOS and I shall await his instruction.....


Is this the correct course of action at this point? It's looking like this is definately unenforceable (or am I just hoping too much)

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I think your course of action is best. Let the FOS decide they may actually insist that A & L pay the statutory 8% interest on top as well.



I have no legal training and the advice I offer is a matter of support. Before you commit to any Legal action you are advised to contact a qualified legal practitioner.


Bank charge successes:

Halifax - Full settlement incl interest.

HSBC - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 75% of claim.

RBS - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 70% of claim.

2 ongoing claims for bank charges with HSBC with more to come. (Supreme Court ruling could have upset these claims) They did :mad:

PPI Successes

PPI 4 settlements on 9 loans. FOS involvement on 7 added on the 8 % Statutory interest another 30% to both.

2 claims settled in full with LV without FOS involvement.

2 claims settled in full with HSBC without FOS involvement


PPI Claims ongoing with:

Cap one Now with the FOS

Barclays. Paid up today 24/04/10 cheque received for over £4,500 and in the bank.

LTSB still have to decide on this as their SAR production was abysmal. Papers data mixed up documents missing etc


1 Complaint not upheld by FOS they said it was ICO issue. Complaint upheld by ICO. See this..

Post 290 from

***RBS PPI Claim Long fight but, WON***


Please do not PM me for advice as it may be sometime before I can respond.


Keep at them. Do not give way and do not accept all they tell you, they will delay and stall for as long as they can to prevent repaying you your mis-sold PPI.


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My thoughts were along these lines, but the more I think about it, the A&L are obviously holding back on something, if it's not that the loan is unenforceable, I think it may be that the PPI was a single premium, added to the original loan......now looking at their wording they may be falling well short of what this has actually cost me....???


I'll leave that to FOS, hopefully the first thing they'll ask for is the missing copy of the original credit agreement.


Here is the response I gave A&L (copy to the FOS as well)

response to offer for forum.doc

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I'm looking for someone to check my sums on this. A&L finally sent me my copy of original credit agreement (with PPI included and my signature :x ) but doing quick calculations, the figures aren't adding up.


£10,000 over 60 months (5 yrs)


payments are £192.33 (without PPI) totalling £11,539


Ok, I'm working this out to be 5.94% not the 5.9% it states on the agreement........the question is......


Incorrectly executed?


If so......unenforceable???

Edited by Gizz
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Hiya Gizz,


Can you scan and use photobucket to post the agreement up on here please then i will take a look at the figures and work out what is owed to you.


Something is sure not right just over £400 refund on 10 grand loan over 5 yrs hmmm:confused:




Remember to use the rubber on photobucket to remove personal details.

Finally if you succeed with your claim please consider a donation to consumer action group as those donations keep this site alive.

 R.I.P BOB aka ROOSTER-UK you have always been a Gent on these boards and you will be remembered for that.

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Thanks for that gizz do you have the date first payment was made once i have that i can get to work on this for you.





Finally if you succeed with your claim please consider a donation to consumer action group as those donations keep this site alive.

 R.I.P BOB aka ROOSTER-UK you have always been a Gent on these boards and you will be remembered for that.

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Oh forget that i an see it now at the bottom lol



Finally if you succeed with your claim please consider a donation to consumer action group as those donations keep this site alive.

 R.I.P BOB aka ROOSTER-UK you have always been a Gent on these boards and you will be remembered for that.

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Right Giz,


Ive done the spreadsheet for you, you will need Microsoft excel or free open office to open it.


can you send me an email address via PM and then ill email it to you.





Finally if you succeed with your claim please consider a donation to consumer action group as those donations keep this site alive.

 R.I.P BOB aka ROOSTER-UK you have always been a Gent on these boards and you will be remembered for that.

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Now that's really got me going.....I think a copy of these shall go right along to the FOS to be added to my file, you never know, he may just add a compensatory sum due to their outright cheek and bs :eek: ??


Thanks again.....:D

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well as this is A&L who have been fined 7m by the fsa 4 mis-selling practices im sure the fos will be glad to here from u PF

Finally if you succeed with your claim please consider a donation to consumer action group as those donations keep this site alive.

 R.I.P BOB aka ROOSTER-UK you have always been a Gent on these boards and you will be remembered for that.

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