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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
      • 162 replies
    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Liverpool Victoria Reply - advice appreciated!

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Hi all


Good friend had 2 loans with LVE (2nd refinanced the 1st) and she paid the last one off early last year.


When she paid them off I went over the figures with her and asked her about the PPI...she said she didn't know much about it, she was talked into it and the paperwork came through with it all on it. She didn't want to risk not getting the loan so just kept it.


Shocked I explained about the misselling etc but she said all she did sign it so felt responsible. Anyhoo!.....


When I found out about LVE being fined for their misselling she was shocked this time and finally accepted it was wrong, sent a letter on 12th Feb claiming misselling due to the FSA fine etc, had expected to be already contacted from LVE in keeping with their promise to the FSA etc


Received a letter 2 weeks later - complaint received, will be in touch but letter received today saying they are still investigating and it could be another 4 weeks.


Has anyone else had any refunds, especially the automatic contact or refunds that LVE promised the FSA they would do?


They were fined middle of last year....does anyone know if they have done anything they promised the FSA (for a huge fine discount!) yet???


Advice greatly appreciated!!!



I am in no way a legal advisor and only speak from my own experiences and the helpful advice of those in the same boat! :p

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hello dipply,


Hi all


Good friend had 2 loans with LVE (2nd refinanced the 1st) and she paid the last one off early last year.


When she paid them off I went over the figures with her and asked her about the PPI...she said she didn't know much about it, she was talked into it and the paperwork came through with it all on it. She didn't want to risk not getting the loan so just kept it.


Shocked I explained about the misselling etc but she said all she did sign it so felt responsible. Anyhoo!.....


When I found out about LVE being fined for their misselling she was shocked this time and finally accepted it was wrong, sent a letter on 12th Feb claiming misselling due to the FSA fine etc, had expected to be already contacted from LVE in keeping with their promise to the FSA etc


Received a letter 2 weeks later - complaint received, will be in touch but letter received today saying they are still investigating and it could be another 4 weeks.


Has anyone else had any refunds, especially the automatic contact or refunds that LVE promised the FSA they would do?


They were fined middle of last year....does anyone know if they have done anything they promised the FSA (for a huge fine discount!) yet???


Advice greatly appreciated!!!


Not sure about any dates on these 2 loans they may well fall within the time they were fined for mis-selling.


Please have a look at this to see if you can match up loan timings..


Liverpool Victoria Banking Services to pay £840,000 fine plus compensation to PPI customers following FSA investigation


This should enable you to do some research on the dates of your friends loans and the period LV were mis-selling.


The timescale element is the usual delaying tactic if they keep it up complain further to the FSA pointing out the trouble that is being put your friends way.;)



I have no legal training and the advice I offer is a matter of support. Before you commit to any Legal action you are advised to contact a qualified legal practitioner.


Bank charge successes:

Halifax - Full settlement incl interest.

HSBC - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 75% of claim.

RBS - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 70% of claim.

2 ongoing claims for bank charges with HSBC with more to come. (Supreme Court ruling could have upset these claims) They did :mad:

PPI Successes

PPI 4 settlements on 9 loans. FOS involvement on 7 added on the 8 % Statutory interest another 30% to both.

2 claims settled in full with LV without FOS involvement.

2 claims settled in full with HSBC without FOS involvement


PPI Claims ongoing with:

Cap one Now with the FOS

Barclays. Paid up today 24/04/10 cheque received for over £4,500 and in the bank.

LTSB still have to decide on this as their SAR production was abysmal. Papers data mixed up documents missing etc


1 Complaint not upheld by FOS they said it was ICO issue. Complaint upheld by ICO. See this..

Post 290 from

***RBS PPI Claim Long fight but, WON***


Please do not PM me for advice as it may be sometime before I can respond.


Keep at them. Do not give way and do not accept all they tell you, they will delay and stall for as long as they can to prevent repaying you your mis-sold PPI.


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The first PPI was taken out on the 13th Jan - 1 day before the date the fsa fined them for...but she did claim on that insurance so thats ok.


The second was well within the dates so should be ok, I am now starting to wonder if they did any of the 'automatic' contacting of customers/automatic refunds the promised?


Can't seem to find anyone this has happened to!


Turns out they have tried to phone her twice in the last 2 days....she is no longer with them. Will send the 'in writing only' letter in the meantime.


If you do hear of any successes can you let me know? Thanks!



I am in no way a legal advisor and only speak from my own experiences and the helpful advice of those in the same boat! :p

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If you do hear of any successes can you let me know? Thanks!


If I hear I will post;)



I have no legal training and the advice I offer is a matter of support. Before you commit to any Legal action you are advised to contact a qualified legal practitioner.


Bank charge successes:

Halifax - Full settlement incl interest.

HSBC - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 75% of claim.

RBS - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 70% of claim.

2 ongoing claims for bank charges with HSBC with more to come. (Supreme Court ruling could have upset these claims) They did :mad:

PPI Successes

PPI 4 settlements on 9 loans. FOS involvement on 7 added on the 8 % Statutory interest another 30% to both.

2 claims settled in full with LV without FOS involvement.

2 claims settled in full with HSBC without FOS involvement


PPI Claims ongoing with:

Cap one Now with the FOS

Barclays. Paid up today 24/04/10 cheque received for over £4,500 and in the bank.

LTSB still have to decide on this as their SAR production was abysmal. Papers data mixed up documents missing etc


1 Complaint not upheld by FOS they said it was ICO issue. Complaint upheld by ICO. See this..

Post 290 from

***RBS PPI Claim Long fight but, WON***


Please do not PM me for advice as it may be sometime before I can respond.


Keep at them. Do not give way and do not accept all they tell you, they will delay and stall for as long as they can to prevent repaying you your mis-sold PPI.


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Hello dipply,


Another couple of snippets for you to look at with regard to LV




Rip-off PPI deals are over - but now costs will rise | This is Money


despite the offer of a 30% discount for early settlement it looks like the FSA have had to issue a final notice.


Time for more complaints about their failure to offer refunds. Although LV say it is taking a lot of time to sift through to find the consumers who would not have been able to make a valid claim on the policy so even now they are still trying to pay as little back as possible.



I have no legal training and the advice I offer is a matter of support. Before you commit to any Legal action you are advised to contact a qualified legal practitioner.


Bank charge successes:

Halifax - Full settlement incl interest.

HSBC - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 75% of claim.

RBS - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 70% of claim.

2 ongoing claims for bank charges with HSBC with more to come. (Supreme Court ruling could have upset these claims) They did :mad:

PPI Successes

PPI 4 settlements on 9 loans. FOS involvement on 7 added on the 8 % Statutory interest another 30% to both.

2 claims settled in full with LV without FOS involvement.

2 claims settled in full with HSBC without FOS involvement


PPI Claims ongoing with:

Cap one Now with the FOS

Barclays. Paid up today 24/04/10 cheque received for over £4,500 and in the bank.

LTSB still have to decide on this as their SAR production was abysmal. Papers data mixed up documents missing etc


1 Complaint not upheld by FOS they said it was ICO issue. Complaint upheld by ICO. See this..

Post 290 from

***RBS PPI Claim Long fight but, WON***


Please do not PM me for advice as it may be sometime before I can respond.


Keep at them. Do not give way and do not accept all they tell you, they will delay and stall for as long as they can to prevent repaying you your mis-sold PPI.


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  • 1 month later...

Good news!


LVE continued to phone approx 3 times a day trying to discuss the complaint with my friend, and got her by accident on the phone one morning. The woman almost demanded she explain why EXACTLY she thinks it was missold, friend had to ask 3 times to only deal in writing and then just threatened to hang up on her....unhappy letter sent that day:


Further to your recent letter and the numerous phone calls to my home to ‘discuss my loan account’, please remove my telephone number from your records and make all contact in writing.

I am unhappy at the apparent delays in investigating my complaint. I do appreciate you have 8 weeks to resolve my complaint but I have been given no explanation as to why this has been delayed again, yet I am continually being phoned, in what I can only assume is an attempt to discuss the sale of the insurances disputed, as I do not have any current loan agreement with Liverpool Victoria.

During our conversation of Friday 3rd April, I had to ask repeatedly for this to be dealt with in writing and had to threaten to hang up before this was agreed. I then received a letter stating “to enable us to investigate your complaint fully please could you provide us with the reasons that you believe that the PPI was not sold in your best interests”.

I am confused by this request 7 weeks after receiving my initial complaint, which already stated my reasons. The FSA imposed a fine for the way your PPI policies were sold and you agreed to review all PPI sales automatically between the applicable dates. I have had to now ask for the sale of my policy to be reviewed also and find myself having to complain again to get this done. Can I direct your attention to the statement issued by the FSA regarding this:

As part of the redress package agreed by LVBS, the interest paid on the PPI premium will be refunded automatically, without the customers having to write to the firm and make a claim. The firm will be writing to its PPI customers asking them to review the terms of their PPI policy and offering to pay full redress where appropriate. LVBS agreed to extend the scope of its redress proposals to include a review of all PPI offered via telephone, internet or post between 14 January 2005 and 31 January 2008.

I am extremely unhappy at being asked why I want this review, when it was your undertaking to the FSA to do this automatically, and after 7 weeks it is clear that the basic telephone discussion and sale has not even been reviewed yet. Again, I expect a review to ensure the sale of the above mentioned policy was fair, reasonable and in my best interests. Further to this, after speaking with the FOS I am now also concerned that my employment status at the time, which was clearly explained to your advisor at least 3 times whilst applying, would have actually rendered my policy useless.

As stated in my letter dated 12 February 2009, unless my complaint has been investigated and there has been some attempt at resolution within the 8 week timescale, I will pass this to the FOS for investigation and I will be advising the FSA of your failure to carry out the terms of your fine, despite repeated requests.

Should you require time to review the sale of my PPI policy or you feel I am not entitled to this review, please confirm this along with your reasons ,but in the meantime please refund all interest paid on my policies (plus 8% statutory interest) as per your undertaking to the FSA – noted above.

In Summary

Please remove my telephone number from your records immediately and make all contact in writing.

Refund all interest paid on my policies – as per my original letter.

Clarify if I am entitled to this review or if you require more time – along with your reasons.

Actually now investigate my complaint and confirm your findings urgently.

Should you have any further queries please ensure these are put in writing to which you will receive a prompt response.


The 8 week deadline was up on 10th April and they received this letter on 8th April. Magically enough my friend received an offer to settle on the 10th!


Offer was everything she asked for so accepted but they dragged this out as long as possible, tried to get her on the phone to interrogate her and had to be forced to do what they promised the FSA would be automatic.


Anyone waiting to hear, have not heard or thinks they may have been missold, stick in, they are at it!


Thanks for the help Alanalana, friend now has £1800 coming and really needs it!



I am in no way a legal advisor and only speak from my own experiences and the helpful advice of those in the same boat! :p

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The 8 week deadline was up on 10th April and they received this letter on 8th April. Magically enough my friend received an offer to settle on the 10th!


Offer was everything she asked for so accepted but they dragged this out as long as possible, tried to get her on the phone to interrogate her and had to be forced to do what they promised the FSA would be automatic.


Anyone waiting to hear, have not heard or thinks they may have been missold, stick in, they are at it!


Thanks for the help Alanalana, friend now has £1800 coming and really needs it!


Nice letter well presented and great result:D


You are welcome for the help and please post on behalf of your friend in the PPI successes in the stickies at the top of the forum. Successes posted are a great morale booster for other caggers.;)



I have no legal training and the advice I offer is a matter of support. Before you commit to any Legal action you are advised to contact a qualified legal practitioner.


Bank charge successes:

Halifax - Full settlement incl interest.

HSBC - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 75% of claim.

RBS - Settlement, goodwill no admission of liability about 70% of claim.

2 ongoing claims for bank charges with HSBC with more to come. (Supreme Court ruling could have upset these claims) They did :mad:

PPI Successes

PPI 4 settlements on 9 loans. FOS involvement on 7 added on the 8 % Statutory interest another 30% to both.

2 claims settled in full with LV without FOS involvement.

2 claims settled in full with HSBC without FOS involvement


PPI Claims ongoing with:

Cap one Now with the FOS

Barclays. Paid up today 24/04/10 cheque received for over £4,500 and in the bank.

LTSB still have to decide on this as their SAR production was abysmal. Papers data mixed up documents missing etc


1 Complaint not upheld by FOS they said it was ICO issue. Complaint upheld by ICO. See this..

Post 290 from

***RBS PPI Claim Long fight but, WON***


Please do not PM me for advice as it may be sometime before I can respond.


Keep at them. Do not give way and do not accept all they tell you, they will delay and stall for as long as they can to prevent repaying you your mis-sold PPI.


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