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Found 3 results

  1. I just got a bill from 'STUDIO' which is a kind of catalogue. It states my balance is £330 odd + 23/01/2014 Default Sum £12 + 23/01/2014 Service charge £16.22 I can only think 'Service charge' is an excuse to add more. Is this legal? What shall I do? £28.22 extra for paying late is a bit much isn't it?
  2. Dear All, After just finished dealing with the Identity Theft problems (my other thread) , here I am again, someone please help me... I own a flat and pay service charge always on time to the Managing Agent. The service charge period run from April to March. I notified the Managing Agent that I was working aborad by email. However, while I was abroad, the new Managing Agent was appointed in April 2013. And they sent me the service charge bills in advance for 01 April 2013 to 31 March 2014. They quickly transferred this to the DCA called Property Debt Colletion Ltd (PDC). Now that I am back in the UK, I saw the reminders and threatening letters so I immediately settled the full amount of service charge directly to the Managing Agent and apologised to them and explaining them that I was abroad and I always pay my service charge and ground rent in advance on time. However, they said, saying sorry is too late and I have to pay for the Arrears Collection Fees, Legal costs, and other DCA costs of £300. What I want to know is that this service charge is for the period April 2013 to March 2014. I settled the full amount in August 2013. Am I legally "Late" for payment?? Is it legal for them to charge me £300 extra costs, just for being late for a few months? I checked my Lease and it says as follows, honestly I dont understand the legal words, somebody please help me.. "In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the payment by the Tenant to the Landlord of the Premium and of the Rent and of the convenants on the part of the Tenant hereinafter contained and on the part of the Tenant to be observed and performed the Landlord HEREBY DEMISES unto the Tenant the Demised Premises TOGETHER WITH the rights set out in the Second Schedule hereto but EXCEPTING AND RESERVING the rights set out in the Third Schedule hereto TO HOLD the same unto the Tenant for the Term SUBJECT TO all rights easements privileges restrictions covenants and stipulations of whatever nature affecting the Demised Premises so far as the same are subsisting and capable of being enforced and affect the Demised Premises YEILDING AND PAYING therefore the Rent in advance without any deduction whatsoever on 1st January in each year (the first such payment being a proportionate sum being due on and from the date hereof until 31st December next following) and by way of additional rent the Service Charge as herein provided Tenant's Covenants I To pay the Rent at the times and in the manner aforesaid"
  3. I'm currently fighting a parking ticket on "the other place" and have just found a receipt from Westminster Council for the payment for parking. I have no dispute with this, it's just that I notice it says: Westminster Pay by Phone Parking Receipt Location: 8765 License: nv***mxp Description: welbeck street Start Parking: 2011/02/14 9:47AM Stop Parking: 2011/02/14 9:57AM Cost: £0.67 including Service Charge Am i right in thinking that it's illegal to put a service charge on this. This is discriminatory since this charge does not apply to people who pay at ticket machines.
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