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Found 3 results

  1. Unfortunately my wife and I have decided quite amicably to head our separate ways. Everything is very civil at the moment but one can't always count on that. We're not divorced yet and I'd rather not force that issue through for emotional reasons. My question: We have completely separate finances and if I buy a property now is there anyway I can protect myself in the unlikely event our relationship turns sour and she came after me for half of the property I would like to buy? (Not sure this is really a CAG question now I've typed it out - but you guys are so good at similar things your opinions would be greatly appreciated...)
  2. My daughter is throwing her husband out as he is an alcoholic and wants to apply for a legal separation. Is a judicial separation good enough to show that her belongings are not the goods chattels of her hubby? Very likely that the bailiffs will call at some time in the future to collect for unpaid motoring fines. If the answer is yes, when will the protection kick in? the date of the separation or will a bailiff be able to levy items that were jointly owned at the time of the court order allowing the execution of a warrant-burden of proof lies where? any help appreciated as I dont want all of her stuff in my loft for the next 2 years.
  3. My friend has recently left her husband and they have two young children under 7. She's moved into a friend's empty house that's on the market, for the time being, until she's able to find somewhere more permanent. Her husband is staying in the family home where their kids were born, which is rented. She only works 12 hours a week and wants to know what benefits she'd be entitled to. She doesn't have a tenancy agreement for the house she's staying in for now as the owners are letting her stay there as a favour and not charging her a set rent. She's 41 and her children will be staying with her.
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