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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys, Bit of legal help required. I've touched on this before, but not this topic specifically. It seems a rollover or extension of a payday loan warrants a new entry on your credit file. Is this legal? Even though it is the exact same loan, they deem it acceptable to create a new entry on your credit file, meaning you have multiple entries for the original loan? Surely this is wrong? Thanks in advance
  2. Hello, It seems all my problems are coming at once. I'm coming to the end of my 12 month letting agreement with Countrywide. I don't want to move as I love the house and the area. However, Countrywide want a £125 fee to extend for another 12 months as well as putting the rent up, which is exactly what I do not need right now! I heard that I don't have to sign an extention and could just let it continue into a periodic tenancy. I contacted the landlord directly and he said that he's fine with it rolling over into a periodic agreement and, in fact, he gave instructions to Countrywide when he first signed with them that this was exactly what he wanted to happen. He also knows nothing of a rent increase, despite the letter saying "We are please to inform you that your landlord..." I called Countrywide after I spoke with my landlord and said that I did wish to stay but on a periodic tenancy. The person on the phone got immediately on the offensive and quite agressive saying that it wasn't possible to go onto a periodic tenancy unless the landlord authorised it. I explained that he was fine with it and they said that they'd contact him and get back to me. My landlord confirmed it with Countrywide and now Countrywide are saying it's a £90 fee to renew on a periodic tenancy! Surely this is incorrect as I'm not signing anything and they don't have to print anything, it's just the same agreement. Can Countrywide charge me this or not?
  3. Hi,help needed with PDL company CashChoice with trading name uklenders alliance. Took out the PDL at the end of may with them for £400 and contract was for 28 days with one onoff payment for £520 on 22nd of june. £400 for loan and £120 for interest. Checked my bank account few days later and found out,that money was taken £160 altough all the funds was avalible !!! My alarm bells was starting to ring and i knew that something was wrong,because £160,it`s not the interest,it`s just a odd amount of money??...gived a call to the bank and reporterd my debit card stolen.Went on holiday on 20th july and back in beginning of august i found the e-mail where they are saying that my account is in arrears for £680 on todays date.And they are giving totally different reference number!!! Basically,it looks like they made a deferral without me and my approve to drag out more money!!!I`ve got my contract what states clearly,one onoff payment on 22 of june £400 loan+£120 interest. Any ideas,how to deal with this matter?? Thanks for the replys,
  4. Hi All I have never used one of these forums before so please bear with me. I have managed to get myself trapped with 5 payday loans - Wonga, Quickquid, Mr Lender, 1Month Loan & Payday Express. My husband lost his job earlier this year and as a "temporary" measure we stupidly took out these loans to make sure all of our priority outgoings were covered, ie. rent, council tax etc. It has got the the stage where I am rolling over each loan which is costing over £700 per month and leaving us very little to live on. All in all I think the amount of debt is around £3000 My credit score has improved slightly since it was very poor last year but it is still not high enough for me to take out a personal loan. I am worried sick at the amount of money we are paying out, especially as we are not actually reducing the debt, just prolonging it. Is anyone else in this situation or has anyone managed to overcome it? I would REALLY appreciate any advice you could give me to escape this payday trap. I am aware that I have been overwhelming stupid in taking out these loans in the first place so please don't criticize me too harshly! I have learned my lesson and hopefully if I can ever get out of this position I will NEVER touch a single payday loan with a barge pole. Any advice/help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated
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