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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, i am hoping someone can recommend a good place to get a loan from? I am currently unemployed but i do own my car outright worth several thousand £, and am looking for a loan provider that will use my car as collateral. Please note i am NOT after any logbook loan type companies, but a provider that maybe you have had experience with and can recommend. I have tried the internet comparison sites but they do not allow me to enter the car to take the loan against. Thanks (apologies if this is not in the correct forum, please move if necessary).
  2. Hi South West trains are threatening to take me to magistrates court for fare evasion and I'd like to hire the best solicitor possible who specialises in these types of cases. Does such a thing exist? Does anyone have any recommendations? Any help appreciated. Thanks Steve
  3. can anyone recommend me a good wifi network mapper. it needs to distingish between security types and open networks. it needs to be able to tell if a network uses wps (wifi protected setup) it then needs to map where it was detexted using the gps. its because concerns have been raised about securities of wifi in local shops and the payment details sent over them this is very important although it maps them i require that it NEVER tries to connect to it.
  4. I have been using Giffgaffs service, but its has some really bad patches where nothing works. Are there any other services anyone could recommend?
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