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Found 3 results

  1. Any support on how to successfully prevent a neighbour cutting down an old oak tree? The houses in two streets were built in the late 50's around a long line of oak trees - the trees forming a natural boundary between the gardens of each street. One street even has the name 'Oak' in it. One house is being sold and the incoming buyer wants to buy it on the condition he/she can cut down the 60y+ old healthy tree and develop the house and garden. Neighbours up in arms about it. They want to get a preservation order on the tree. Are there any helpful hints on what can be written/ presented to the relevant council to prevent them giving permission to remove the tree? I've just been advised, but apparently the council meeting is tomorrow! Its a relative's house; but not mine. I've got google earth photos which show the long line of trees and how magnificent this specific tree is out of all the trees. Any suggestions welcome.
  2. Question. When is 100% solid hardwood not 100% solid hardwood? Answer. When it is sold by Oak Furniture Land. While it is true that they did not use any veneer, they use a choice of words when describing their furniture. OOPS! https://www.asa.org.uk/Rulings/Adjudications/2016/10/JB-Global-Ltd/SHP_ADJ_339625.aspx#.WAfBrST_qM8
  3. Hi, I bought some oak furniture from AHF store in Colchester. I remember being told it was oak and I believed it to be solid oak. I can't remember if the sales person said solid oak but I do know that the word veneer never came into the conversation because I would not have made the purchase. I just unpacked some of the items and it turns out that they are in fact oak veneer. I phoned the store who says I need to speak to the person who sold it to me, but that most furniture these days is only veneer and I probably won't be able to return it! He said if it had been solid oak it would say so on the paperwork. it doesn't, it just says Oak sideboard etc. I don't want veneered chipwood and want to return it. I will be speaking to the manager tomorrow but meantime I wanted a few tips on what I should or shouldn't say and if I do have any rights. We paid in full at time of purchase by credit card.
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