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Found 7 results

  1. Am due to attend the above medicals in support of a claimant. Was wondering if anybody has been to a PIP/ESA medical in the past year and what questions were asked in respect of mental health issues specifically. I know that there are lists of questions typically asked by assessors on the web etc, but am particularly interested in recent trends and any "trick" questions. Thanks
  2. Hi, I have called the DWP on a number of occasions now in relation to ESA and everytime I've ended up in an argument with them about whether medicals are largely a mandatory part of the process. Some staff state categorically to me that everyone has to go for a medical, some say that only the terminally ill don't have to attend them. I have generally remained calm when they've stated this but it really infuriates me when they keep pushing the point. I have been awarded ESA a couple of times without having to attend a medical at all and I am not terminally ill. I state this to them and they still tell me I'm wrong.... I know that many people are awarded ESA simply on the basis of the ESA50 or that plus medical evidence which is obvious just from a quick internet search. please check this benefits and work link (what's all this Disney busines?) co.uk/news/2706-no-wca-medical-for-almost-three-quarters-of-esa-claimants Have the rules recently been changed? I was awarded ESA without a medical a couple of years ago. It really infuriates me when DWP staff will not listen to what you're saying and are adamant that what they're saying is true, even when presented with figures to the contrary. Their general tone from the outset is incredibly disrespectful and argumentative. At first I thought this was a one off case but whenever I call I get the same sort of response and normally they just end up hanging up the phone.
  3. The story comes from B&W, which I think the link is not allowed, so instead linking to the Welfare News Service report of it, hope that's ok, this is an important story: https://www.facebook.com/WelfareNewsServiceUK
  4. Hi Folks, My partner had ESA medical in November and received 18 points. He was then called again in April and received only 6. Is it ok for them to ask for 2 medicals in such short period of time? We are at appeal stage and need some support with what to do. My partner has mental health issues and a critical illness. Do we complain to ATOS. He is seeing his consultant later this week and will get the hospital to do letter, any help appreciated
  5. Hi, could someone please tell me why when doing a esa medical the doctor sometimes asks you to wai outside till he makes a phone call? thank you.
  6. Hello i was wondering if anyone can answer this for me please, On January the 4th this year i put a claim in for ESA,i was sent a medical appointment for January 19th which i attended,by mid Feb i had not heard anything so i phoned to ask what was happening,i was told everything was running smoothly so dont worry,My 13 weeks was up the 4th of April,i never heard anything off ESA till the start of May telling me i had another medical to attend on May 11th,which again i attended......But since then ive heard nothing im still on £71 a week so is it normal to have 2 medicals so close together and do i phone them to find out whats going on or just wait and see...ESA is one of the benefits that has totally baffled me...Hopefully someone can answer this.
  7. Hi all, I'm really getting concerned about the DLA medical test coming into force soon. I have MS and I'm currently in receipt of the higher rate of DLA for both Mobility and Care, but from what I read online and hear from others in the news I can see me losing everything and being told, however ridiculously, that I'm fit to work! I think if I lose my disability benefits I will not remain in this world for long as I genuinely am unable to work, particularly due to the most debilitating fatigue you could imagine. Is their plan to make many of us commit suicide?
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