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Found 3 results

  1. Ok im not sure this belongs here so please move if needed. So my child is starting primary school in september and we have received a application for free school meals form. It says you are entitle to free school meals if you are in receipt of the following Income Support Income based Jobseekers Allowance Garunteed element of pension credit Child tax credit (without working tax credit) and a annual income below £16.190 Employment and support allowance (income related) Support under part V1 of the immigration and asylum act 1999 So my situation is, i am self employed, i receive housing benefit and council tax benefit as my income is low, i also receive child tax credit and working tax credit. My self employed income for the last 12 months has been £0 ive broke even just. Yet im still not entitle to the free school meals. As a family we are living of less each week than someone who gets JSA. Is there a way i can fight this, we struggle at the moment yet alone trying to find another £15-£20 a week come september for school meals. Thanks
  2. Excuse my ignorance, but this is a genuine question as I did my schooling overseas. Why are children in Britain supplied with breakfast and dinner at school? When I was at school in the sixties school started at 8am until 2.30pm. Our parents made sure that we had breakfast as we have to get up at 6am to be ready to go to school by about 7.30am as we had to walk to school which was about 2 mile away. Every morning my parents would make us sandwiches to take with us and we also had some fruit like apples, grapes etc. Our parents never received any child benefits or any benefits of any kind as they were not available. We certainly were not well off and it was a struggle from day to day, but we managed and I had a good upbringing. Here people get various child benefits, but why are all kids also given meals which must cost the state a fortune?
  3. i just thought I'd share this. Every sunday morning I get up at 5am (horrid I know) but I do so for a good reason! What I do is plan a week of easy meals, not easy to cook, but easy to reheat the following week. I've found that cooking a load of 1 pot meals like chicken casseroles, Bolognese, hotpots, curries and alike a tthe ungodly hours saves me a fortune in electric. After cooking the lot I store em all up in a bunch of tupperware containers and get one out as and when I need it. The costs I've saved cooking this that early (eco 7 hours), is amazing. At least £1 a day. The washing up is a lot easier during the busy weeks, its quick to boil some ride or pasta to complete the meal and best of all it's not tiring Nothing better than a hard days at work to come home to an easy 'home cooked' 5 minute meal hope this helps, Cheers, A
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