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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I am having some problems with council tax. I may not need to go into the background. My question is very specific: If I am sent to prison for non-payment of council tax, will the council still be able to enforce the council tax debt after I have served the relevant sentence? If anybody knows, I would be very grateful for confirmation of the legal position. My understanding is that while the debt remains in existence on paper, enforcement is barred once the prison sentence is served, however I'm not entirely sure this is correct. I have also seen cases where a person is imprisoned for non-payment and the debt is reduced by £X amount for each day they spend in prison. I assume that is because the Magistrates order the remission as part of their prison sentence.
  2. A very interesting article from the Local Government Lawyer journal regarding a custodial sentence for 'wilful refusal' or 'culpable neglect' in paying council tax: http://localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23236%3Aimprisonment-for-council-tax-default&catid=56&Itemid=24#_ftnref
  3. Hi posting on behalf of a family member. In 2009 after failing a university course due to ill health, he left owing money to the university for accommodation. As far as we know, the first contact about the debt was a letter posted to home address in lat January 2010 advising f potential court proceedings, and asking for over £2000 to be paid immediately. Sick with depression and unable to cope, he eventually went to CAB who dealt with the debt collectors (Clark Willmott), who advised in the circumstances that they would pass the matter back to the university concerned. A budget form of some sort was completed, advising company concerned that he had no disposable income. Person heard nothing more, and moved out of the rented accommodation the following June. In mid-July 2012 the person concerned returned to his parents' home, and soon after was served a notice of disobedience, advising him that he was in contempt of court, and was to be sent to prison for 7 days if he did not attend a hearing in late August. Apparently he had been served with an order to attend court in June and had not appeared. However, the address listed on the papers he was supposedly served with was one which he had moved out of two years previously, despite the university concerned having his parents' address. He intends to go to the hearing, and does not dispute that he owes the debt (although it is now according to the court over £3000), but was never served with the initial documents, so has no idea what happens next or how he can prepare for the hearing.
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