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Found 2 results

  1. A couple of weeks ago I went for my appointment at the local job center. The woman that usually sees me was not there so I was dumped onto someone else for that day. This woman from the start was very rude knew nothing of me and everything she seemed to say was insulting. I bit my lip and stayed calm. It came to the point where she wanted to see my job search, they had given me 4 or 5 jobs the previous time to apply for. Out of those jobs I did not apply for one. Now to add to that I had also applied to 9 other jobs which I had found. She automatically noticed that I hadn't applied to this one job and began to mash her keyboard asking me why hadn't I applied for it very angrily. I simply stated as an IT professional a bus driving job didn't seem fit for me and the other 14 or so jobs I had applied for that week had. Now today I received a phone call from a bloke in a call center who was investigating this and asked me questions such as do I remember said job and why didn't I apply for it. To be honest I don't really know what to make of it, are they saying that applying to 14 odd jobs a weeks isn't enough? is there a certain target I should meet so this doesn't happen? do I have to apply for a job that has absolutely nothing to do with me or my field? I could have easily told this woman that I did apply for it and ran out of room to write it down on their 6 field sheet (which by the way is how I remember the certain week in question, due to asking for another). So whats the likely outcome for this?
  2. Just sent off a SAR for info on an account from 2000. Have been told already they can't locate the agreement. However, they were good enough to send a copy of my application which I found had PPI selected. On the application I had requested a transfer of balances to this card of £2,000 at the start. I had noticed with Lloyds they were trying to calculate any PPI payments based on estimates as they said the info of statements etc was no longer available to make an accurate calculation. They quoted the FOS guidelines to calculate on these accounts without information. In preparation to this bank saying they no longer have details of my account statements does anyone know how to calculate a monthly amount with a starting balance of £2000 going up to say £4000 for a period of 2 years?
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