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Found 4 results

  1. Hello (I'm new here!) can anyone please tell me whether this was successfully overturned? https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?472401-Euro-car-parks-PCN-Trinity-Street-Bolton-BL3-6DH.&p=5107713#post5107713 I have had a letter from the same place, for the exact same reason. I have stupidly left it until what I thought was the day before two weeks since the letter arrived (but i now see is the day AFTER the 2-week deadline date specified on the letter. DOH! I am currently off work with mental health issues, which is not helping!) Have not had one of these for a long time (had one on Middlebrook, when I was on yellow lines outside a shop whilst collecting a balloon display on a windy day! Just sat tight and ignored- but I understand the advice now is to not do that) and am very anxious! Thank you TWrecksX
  2. Hi guys I rent a 2 bedroom house with my partner and 2 children 1 being 3 years old and other being 9 weeks. I pay full rent and work full time but having an issue with these idiots at the moment I called them out to acess the damp to see what they can do as im sick of scrubbing the walls and re painting them he messes about with this laser tool i asked him what he was doing and he says it will tell him how cold the walls was he was doing this for 20 minutes hoping he came to a solution for us his only solution was to keep my heating on 24 hours a day 7 days a week What a stupid solution when i asked him are they going to pay my gas bill he just laughed really annoyed this is one of the worst people i have had a home off nothing but hassle from day one they have never done any work on this place from day 1 of living here 5 years
  3. People power pays off at last. Bolton W. fans have got the club to go back on their sponsorship deal with the pdl, lets hope others do the same and end the misery fo so many ppl.
  4. Dear All, I hope if any of the forum members can be of any help. On 28/02/2011, I undertook Parcel service for Package tobe delivered to India for the sum of £192 for completion by 20/04/2011 by -A to Z cargo Services (Bolton Sea & Air Cargo)- Mr Ayub (Owner/partner). I have been following with Mr Ayub, since May 1 2011 about the package and every 2 weeks, he has given the excuse that package is held up and will take 2 weeks more to get it free from Customs and will be sorted out. This has been going since May 2011, until recently when I ask him to give final answer whether or not he is actually delivering the parcel else Ill take some legal action against him but now he has stopped taking any calls from me. The problems are: My package included household goods, designer Clothes, Footwear items worth £3000 has not been delivered. I am calling him every 2 weeks since May 1, 2011 with same answer from him that it will take 1-2 more weeks. Since October 1, 2011, he has failed to actually respond to my calls, despite my request to call him which I SMS you on 2-10-2011 at 1:25 PM. I only have the address of his firm, which was quoted on his company leaflet and I am not sure if he still works from the office but still on advise of Consumerdirect I have sent him a letter asking to responding which I sure he wont, his address: A to Z cargo Services (Bolton Sea & AirCargo) Mr Ayub 9, Morrison Street Bolton BL 3 3AN Phone: 07564936389 I would request forum member and appreciate if they can advise, what can be best done for filing this complaint, can I file a complaint with Police or should I fight in the court, in any case, its getting difficult to trace him as he is not even picking my call. Regards, Upendra
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