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  1. Hi guys I rent a 2 bedroom house with my partner and 2 children 1 being 3 years old and other being 9 weeks. I pay full rent and work full time but having an issue with these idiots at the moment I called them out to acess the damp to see what they can do as im sick of scrubbing the walls and re painting them he messes about with this laser tool i asked him what he was doing and he says it will tell him how cold the walls was he was doing this for 20 minutes hoping he came to a solution for us his only solution was to keep my heating on 24 hours a day 7 days a week What a stupid solution when i asked him are they going to pay my gas bill he just laughed really annoyed this is one of the worst people i have had a home off nothing but hassle from day one they have never done any work on this place from day 1 of living here 5 years
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