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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I could really do with some advice here. I ordered £1300 worth of Israeli Shekels from Travelfx.com. Part of their service is to deliver by Royal Mail Special Delivery (1pm). I ordered for delivery on Thursday 1st September. Travelfx have issued all confirmations and a tracking number, and when I got home on 1st September, I had a card saying by item had been returned to the sorting office and I could collect the next morning. I went, and Royal Mail have LOST the parcel (the card I have been left means it's definitely been in their possession)! They have 5 days before they have to say it's lost. Royal Mail won't reimburse me as they say I have to get it back from the Co. I bought it from (who then claim it back from Royal Mail). Travelfx state that they will not refund me until they have actually got the money back from Royal Mail, which could take up to 28 days. By that time, my holiday will be long over. I will be stuck with a load of foreign currency I don't need, and in the meantime, I now have to find the money again! Royal Mail have confirmed they have passed this to their security department as it's definitely not in the sorting office. They've mooted that they've started a security investigation as this may be theft. Surely due to this (at best) incompetence or (at worst) criminality, I shouldn't be so significantly out of pocket. Can anyone confirm who is liable to refund me, and how soon? S I am really distraught as this has ruined a massive family reunion that we've been planning for years.
  2. We are contracted for 35 hours, but all staff do more, 40, 42, 48 and upwards, at no extra, meaning no overtime etc. I have worked nights now a few years, 4 nights a week, for 10 hours shifts. I have been doing 40 hours all this time. Now what with minimum wage going up in October, and works pensions, and also our firm HAS to have 3 staff on nights now, the bosses have to pay for all these extras. Well last week, we were told we MUST have a 1 hour break in the night now, and this will be deducted from our wages, so instead of picking up 40 hours, it is only 36 hours. Seeing as our work is busy and unpredictable,(care home), you cannot just stop for 1 hour, anything might happen. We get our breaks so to speak in times of quite, in between 1/2 hourly checks etc. But when you worked it all out it is a damned lot of money to be down weekly, monthly, and certainly yearly. 4x6.70=£26.80x4=£107.20x12=£1286.40 I am going to be nearly £1300 a year worse off, that was the council tax paid or my gas and electricity paid for the year. I do not claim anything, tax credits or anything. How am I to survive.
  3. HI I have been dealing with MYJar over a text loan from a fair while back. it was paid monthly via stepchange for a while and then when i left them i offered to pay monthly. I only borrowed £300. They said i owed them £276 and i was to pay £1 a month for 10 months and then the remainder off. Anyway, i was paying £10.00 a month and in February i sent a payment on the 1st and one on the 28th. They then got in touch 2 weeks ago and said as id missed march payment then the plan was cancelled, the loan followed its original credit cycle and additional charges were added as per the original agreement and the loan was forwarded to Secure Recoveries. I have checked my credit record and there are now 2 entries from MyJAr 1 for the original loan being showed as paying back and the other is for £1543. I called them up and they said it is Secure recoveries. What can i do I sent them my income and expenditure months ago and a covering letter as i couldn't afford to much payments. Shall i keep ignoring Thanks
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