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Found 5 results

  1. I signed off a while back as I found some temporary work. I had my interview today regarding signing back on and while I was expecting it to be problematic, I wasn't expecting it to be as bad as this. There were three changes to my job seeker's agreement that I disagreed with: 1. On my old agreement I had Saturday down as a non-working day due to other commitments. I'm now being told that I have to work on a Saturday. I was told the only valid reasons for not working on a Saturday are if you have children to take care of, or if you have a health problem that somehow prevents you from working on a specific day of the week. As it wasn't mentioned, I asked what would happen if somebody had a religion that meant they wouldn't be allowed to work on a certain day of the week. I was told that they would have to work on that day! 2. 'I will apply for every job I am capable of doing within 90 minutes by public transport.' was entered. I asked what would happen if on one particular week I had applied for over 100 jobs and they happened to find one I hadn't applied for. 'You would be sanctioned' was the reply. Needless to say I can't possibly agree to this as it's designed purely to sanction me and the odds of me overlooking at least one job are very high. 3. 'I will create an account on Universal Jobmatch and upload my C.V. by my next appointment' was entered. 'I don't consent to the use of tracking cookies' I said. 'What does that matter?' was the reply. I told them that there is an EU law which states that you cannot force someone to accept tracking cookies, the UK is in the EU, so the law applies. They told me I could use their PCs or the ones in the local library. I told them I had privacy concerns about entering my data into a public computer. The new agreement actually has less stuff on it. According to my old one I have to apply for 12 jobs a week, whereas this according to this one I only have to apply for five. A whole host of other tasks have been removed as well. Whereas before I was doing around 30 things a week, the new one only has me going on UJ 7 days a week and applying for five jobs in written form. The advisor wouldn't allow me to keep my old agreement and insisted that I sign the new one. I told him that I couldn't possibly agree to something that was designed to sanction me and I didn't consent to the use of tracking cookies. He ended up sending off my old agreement and his new one as a disputed job seeker's agreement, for a decision maker to decide which one is better. I've been told that I sign on as normal in two weeks time and that I will be informed of the decision maker's decision via post. I'm sure I know what the decision will be... I have some questions: 1. What happens regarding my benefits during this period? Will I receive nothing until I sign a new agreement? If I sign a new agreement will I receive the money I should have received during the period where the agreement wasn't signed? 2. Am I correct in assuming that I stick to my old agreement? The advisor I saw today told me two conflicting pieces of information. 'You don't have a job seeker's agreement until you sign a new one. Once you close a claim your agreement is void' and 'Until you sign a new agreement your old one remains in place'. When I pointed out that he'd contradicted himself and I asked for clarification on which of the two was correct, he refused to answer my question. 3. What happens if the decision maker decides to stick with his one? I see little point in signing something that will get me sanctioned whenever they decide they want to sanction me.
  2. Hi, I have finished my useless stint with Ingeus and referred back to JCP. My JCP advisor changed my jobseeker agreement from part-time work to 40hr a week with immediate start. He also said I have to look for work 40 hrs a week inc. weekend and that I must log into universal jobmatch everyday to do this. I explained there was a reason I am only looking for part-time work as I have caring responsibilities i.e look after my teenage daughter who has special needs. He ignored me and printed off a list of work seeking activities that I had to do - which I was OK with as it was less than I have been asked to do in the past - once I signed that he gave me another sheet of paper that stated the 40hrs a week work, I told him I was not signing it as I had caring responsibilities, he told me that I had already signed and stapled the two sheets together to make it look like I had agreed and signed to both! I told him in no uncertain terms that it was a dirty trick and was disgusted with him. Where do I go from here as I could not possibly work all those hours and even find it difficult to look for work 6 hours a days 7 days a week due to caring for my daughter? How are people getting on with the weekly planner? - it looks like a tool to sanction people to me
  3. Hello everyone, a quick advice needed cause i meant to reply letter in 2 days. my wife was on a job seeker discount bus pass,we had 3 oyster card in the family one was register in my name, the remainning 2 were not, just pay as you go,my weekly pass expired a day befor this incident,i alway make sure i have funds in my oysters incase of emmagency, on this day 2 of my oyster have a minimum of £12 each,but i wasnt sure of which,i took 2 oysters along with me not knowing one belong to my wife,on the bus i got cought by the inspector, cause the one i use was my wife's, i try to explain to the inspector but he said i should give him my details which i did,i wouldnt mind paying a fine cause criminal record will really affect my job, pls how do i write and not to complicate matter? cause in there letter i was ask to explain why i travel on a bus without valid oyster card that any thing i wrote could be use against me in court.
  4. I did not receive my JSA this morning and when I called to find our why they said it was because the tax credits people where updating my account and this has led to the payment going in late! Anyone know why child tax credits have anything to do with JSA? I now have to wait until thursday to receive benefit
  5. I'm facing a sanction because I turned down a below minimum wage job (£2 an hour). This is a door to door sales job with an unkown company that reeks of [problem]. The hours are 40 a week and it isn't enough to cover my expenses. I got a call from my training advisor who told me they are raising a sanction on me and informing job centre I've turned down an opportunity. I asked to speak to the manager and she said because I've been out of work what's the chances of me finding any job and that if I made commission I'd be better off. I told her if I get a sanction I won't have any money for food for six months and she didn't give a damn by the tone of her voice. I said it's wrong this isn't helping me I can't rely on commission and you're forcing me into a minimum wage job, you shouldn't even be making people go for these "jobs" of unkown companies that have no reputation, no reliability. I'm scared I'll get a sanction and be out on the streets, I heard the job centre are ruthless..
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