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Found 3 results

  1. Asking on behalf of someone I met earlier today. They moved into a council house 2 to 3 weeks back and have a problem with rats getting into the kitchen and bathroom via existing holes in the kitchen floor. Rats have been present in the rooms at the same time as the residents. The council advised they offer no free pest control service but the tenants can pay for the council to visit at a cost of nearly £50. Does the council not have a duty to deal with this as the problem was present when the tenancy started. And, if the council has such a duty, can someone quote the legislation so the tenants can take this back to the council. Thanks
  2. Hi All, I am hoping for some help. We have a neighbour who is really agressive and insists we have rats in the garden. They get the rat guy out and they say its not them. We get the rat guy out and they say its not us. The rat guy thinks the rats live nder there decking and then runs along the fence of our side and back into their garden. One guy said it was because the drains under the desking are not sealed and the rats are going there. However they are getting really agressive with us. Does anyone know our rights in this situation.
  3. can anyone please advice us of our next steps regarding holiday to egypt in january, we have been to and fro ing with thomas cooke since we got back and dont feel the offer of compensation is enough, it has been looked at again and they say its adequate, a group of us went to egypt on 6th january, the brochure mentions kids club, caters for all nationalitys and pool side bars, we booked all inclusive and when arriving we found the hotel looked lovely, however the 2 familys from are group were kept awake by scratching noises through the night and after getting it checked out we learnt there was rats present, the rep moved 2 lots and didnt av anywhere to move the rest of the group too till the following week, following that we also heard the scratching and told the rep, the rep said we could downgrade next week to opposite side or he could switch to another room on the other row to which the rest of r group had also heard the scratching so we didnt see the point in moving and put up with it, we took photos of rat traps in theceilings and i found rat droppings under my bed, the rep moved another english couple into one of the rooms our group had been moved out of and when we spoke to them and told them they asked the rep who told them, they were just listening to rumours, obviuosly a rep that didnt believe us inspite of rats being caught, a list of problems were noted.. ie, no english kids club, they didnt cater for english the food was same night after night in different restauarants and we were treat disgusting, ice cream was only available at a smoking bar, so kids had to go to smking bar for ice cream, there was no ice cream available at pool side bars, in fact we were made to feel stupid and sent on wild goose chases if we asked for ice cream most of the time, it was a group with kids and teenagers and we were shouted at for noise, shouted at for kids spalshing with water guns and told this was a chill pool, we had kids and teenagers and never shouldve been put at a chill pool, the towel man was saving towels for germans and even put towels from the rooms on four beds because he didnt arrive on a morning intime for him to save the beds for the group of germans he was friends with, i told the rep who once again didnt believe it and when i showed him the towel man said he was saving them for next morning the rep had to believe it however we were given warnings for the slightest of things yet they treat us like dogs, there was 13 in the group and within 6 days of return we had recieved 800 in vouchers towards another holiday, we then took it further as this was a dream holiday and was ruined by the rats the way we was treat and 800 is less than 60 each which is by no means anywhere near compensating us for 2 weeks of hell.
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