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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I need some advice please. I have just returned from holiday to find a CCJ waiting for me for an old loan I had with Cash4UNow about 2 years ago. The Judgement states '1st stop recoveries claim this amount in respect of an unpaid loan funded by Nova Loans. The defendant failed to abide by the terms of the contract. Ist stop recoveries purchased this debt from Nova Loans and subsequently sent a notice of assignment to the defendant to advise. The defendant has failed to respond to any correspondence or communication from the claimant thus denying the claimant any opportunity in assisting the defendant in attempting to bring the matter to an amicable conclusion' The judgement is for £479.99 + £35 court costs - Total £514.99 The claim form has a typed signature Emily Taylor (Claimant) When I had the loan from Cash4UNow, I paid back everything on time and had two payments left to make - I supplied them with my new debit card details but they failed to take payment. I received no correspondence chasing the outstanding amount until several months later at which time I was unable to pay the sum due. I am not 100% certain but I am not sure if I received a default notice or not. Also I have received, little contact from 1st Stop Recoveries - they did try to call me at work but I cannot take calls of this type at my workplace. I ideally through my line of work can't really afford to have a judgement against me. Is it possible if I get in touch with 1st stop recoveries that I could still negotiate to pay this debt and avoid a judgement being entered against me? Otherwise should I just admit liability and complete the form or would I have grounds on the basis that due to the system error at Cash4UNow that they did not take payments when due, to challenge the judgement or part of it? Advice please as not 100% certain how best to proceed with this. Many thanks
  2. In 2007 my marriage broke up. My ex husband left leaving up a certain creek without a paddle. I was left with a first mortgage with GE ( was in arrears ) a second with Kensington ( am coming to the end of an arrangement to pay) and several loans and credit cards including a large loan from lloyds for which a CO was obtained ( i Have maintained payments) and CC with lloyds. I have managed to pay most debt off but as lloyds didnt shout about the CC I ignored it. This debt is now well over 5 years old, recently I received a letter from 1st credit asking for appox £1900 which i ignored. I then received a letter from connaught and then an offer letter fom them for a 30% discount which I ignored. Last week I received a letter from moon beever. I am not trying to avoid the debt but am worried as I have really being trying to clear my credit file so that I can remortgage to get my ex off the mortgae ( he agrees to this). I realise this cant happen for a few years but I thought that if I kept my CRA as clean as possible it could possibly happen in the future. My question is what do I do about moon beever? I would happily pay a reduced amount on the proviso they didnt enter anything on my CRA as the lloyds default will fall off next year the origional ccj for the lloyds loan will come off in jan ( i realise I will still be paying CO but would look at increasing payment s to finish asap) What is my best course of action with moon beever? I have not yet sent a cca request, shouls I do this first? My cra file indicates the last payment was made jun2007, the origional agreement was 2005
  3. Hi I wonder if any one could help I have a credit card with the 'AA', my husband signed up for it at the Dover port, he was going to france for a day trip, this was in May 2004, can I send a CCA request and how has other people been succesful or not. The credit card is owned by BANK OF SCOTLAND GILL5BLUE
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