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Everything posted by bs0lth

  1. Hi Cathie... I was so nervious after posting off the decline offer... everything kept going through my head... OMG what happens if i dont win, What happens if ... I really should have accepted the money would get me out a huge hole etc... however, it only took them 8 days to pay out the full amount, and all I have been saying to myself if you would have kicked yourself if you accepted their first offer... Its been so nerve racking, but now since Ive gone though the whole process from start to finish I cant believe it actually turned out right... Im now in the process of nagging my two sisters to hurry up and get on with their claims... they both waited to see what happened with mine... The best thing though was being able to present my mum with a cheque for money I owed her... its not going to be long... a few days maximum now and you will be cashing a cheque of your own....
  2. I've had this happen a couple of times. the money for your DD's etc has really to be in the bank before 6.30pm this is because the dept that deals with this closes then... and if the money is not there by then ... they will bounce your DD's. I went nuts with the telephone banking staff about this... I was told by them that the money could be put in or transfered anytime before 12 and it would be ok... I realised about 9pm there was not going to be enough money in to pay a dd so transfered some in to cover it... it bounced... they refunded the charges there and then but its the fact that its bounced that caused more problems that it was worth... It may be worth your while to phone them up and tell them you have been given the wrong information... Lynne
  3. the claim was issued on the 2/8 but its not deemed served until 5 days later... (I had to phone up to ask about this) which means that the 14 days are up on the 21st august... however they will file a defence which means that it will be 28 days from the 7th of august... The court told me that the papers etc had to have time to arrive and there for the date served is the one you hve to go with... hope this helps Lynne
  4. I got offered 50% in full and final settlement... turned that down then a cheque arrived for the full amount... with a notice of discotinuation to sign and send back... you will probs get the same....
  5. Keep going.... if you dont get an answer go to the next stage... and on the bright side...is that you will eventually get your money... they are going to drag it out but at the end of the day... you will get there....
  6. Congratulation..Isn't it great... oh the feeling of having money in your account... amazing.....you might have guessed.... I won as well
  7. I couldnt get to the bank to put my cheque in... my sister did it for me... she said it was totally sweet... when she told the bank staff that it was ironic that I was cashing a cheque for unlawfull bank charges.... she said that it was really really good when their eyes nearly popped out of their head when they saw the amount and said... They were a bit steep.... congratulations... its sooo nice that we are all on a roll now....
  8. I think that they do it because there will be a lot of people that buckle as soon as a solicitor gets involved... or will take their 50% offer... all of that saves them money in the long run... so the few that take it all the way they get their money as they dont want to go to court... and when your hard up and watching everypenny... the court costs do eat into your money... I wonder just how many people havent taken it all the way because they cant afford the costs... thanks for your congratulations by the way... smiled all the way to the bank....
  9. It doesnt matter... I got exactly the same... but wrote back giving the information they wanted... and followed the advice in the Faq.... its all a ploy to put you off but youve got this far.... Lynne
  10. Send it straight away... they will reply to you very quickly... its a bog standard... p*** off letter... so then you should be able to go straight to money claim and start that ball rolling as soon as you get your letter from Mr. Higgly hope this helps Lynne
  11. I also have an advantage gold account. You cant get these charges back, and they get a bit confusing... it took me a while to get my head round it... however, I went back through my statements, added it all onto the spreadsheet. then deducted the amount for the advantage gold charges... they normally add them into other charges... I dont know when you started you advantage gold account, however, the charges we £9 then £10 and they are currently £12. the charges they added them to showed up as charges... £29 then charges £30 I just deducted them and entered charges, the date and £20 onto the spreadsheet.... I hope this helps.... Lynne
  12. on the top of the form there is a date... this is when both sides have got to have their questionaires returned to them. its for the court to allocated time and space to... Corbetts will file their defence by then... however mind was the 25th of July... got 50% offer.... just before the deadline... then.... today... 1/8/06 I got a full cheque from them... light at the end of the tunnel.... your just about there.... Lynne
  13. Cathie I refused their 50% offer, and went ahead with everything.... 8 days after them getting the rejection of their offer letter i got a cheque... dont accept their offer keep going ... Lynne
  14. Hiya hope you got your default judgement... I wasnt so lucky... they got their defence is on deadline midnight... however... just to let you know the light is at the end of the tunnel.... with me they filed their default... i replied to it and because my claim was over the £1500 I had to go to the court with my AQ and pay another £100... but it all started to go quickly from that point. I had until the 25th of July to get my defense in to thier CPR request.... and did that with a copy of my own for them to respond to.... I got an offer a week later for 50% and then Today a cheque for the whole amount... It only takes approx 2-3 weeks to settle after they defend their claim.... but hopefully you get the default judgement. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.... and hope you get your cheque soon Lynne
  15. Hiya, Everything you say is completely normal, I got 2 get lost letters, the second on looked like yours, I then filed an action with moneyclaim, got a load of bumf with that. Then got a what i thought was a really scarey letter from Corbetts (Natwest solicitors). Then got a Cpr part 18 request which I wrote to Corbetts and said... you cant do this... I dont need to answer it since I should be on the small claims track... got a letter back saying ok... but when I went to the court with my allocation questionaire I decided to answer their questions and put in some of my own.... and then I got offered 50% which was last monday.... Today a cheque for the full amount arrived... The point to this is, I followed the timetable and structure to my claim exactly as it is laid out in the FAQ. I knew what to expect and when. if I didnt I asked and got a bit of help. What you have is normal, what you need to do is keep to the timetable and keep going... you do need to write back and decline their offer... and check out moneyclaim... Im amazed at how easy it was if you dont let it phaze you. I would also like to add... the royal bank of scotland took over the natwest... so technically they are the same bank now... Oh and goodluck... keep with it and it will work.... Lynne
  16. Just a PS to my previous post... Ive filled in the survey... and made a small donation now... the bigger one will come as soon as my cheque clears.... all of this means ..... I've Won.....
  17. thank you sooo much... I still dont believe it... keep looking at the paying in reciept.... mind there have been a couple of occassions that I thought this is never ever going to work.... Keep going with your claim, dont bottle out with their 50% offer... you will get the full amount within 14 days after... best wishes and good luck with your claim lynne
  18. Hi Tim.... Well, I think my court must have no where near as busy as yours has... because today.... I recieved a cheque from Corbetts for the full amount and charges..... I still cant believe it.... So there is a bright light now shining at the end of your tunnel.... and you will have a hole in the floor where the cheque lands.... it took a week from me declining their offer to finally getting a cheque... keep with it... and start thinking about what your going to do with your money... Lynne
  19. Ok well I didnt believe this at first but .... I've Won The cheque came through from Corbetts this morning.... for the full amount of the claim, and the charges.... I still cant quite believe it... Im sooooo happy.... I would like to thank everyone for their help... without you I couldnt have done this... hehehehe..... and what made it better... getting my sister to put the cheque into the bank for me.... and it going back into the account all the charges came from.... if your in doubt..... dont doubt it....it works.... Lynne
  20. Hi Laffar... keep with it.... only a week to go..... for you..... Lynne
  21. Hi Laffar... Wondering whats happening with you... corbetts sent me a cheque today for the full amount.... yup... Ive won... no confidentiallity clause or anything.... Im still in shock.... have you got yours yet? Its coming have faith.... Lynne
  22. If its not too late can I join you all with the great barclaycard microfiche thingie.... I have had this reply and have writen back to them saying... give me the rest... waiting to see what happens now....
  23. Hiya, I phoned Barclaycard and was told by their legal dept that the charges didnt start until 2001, prior to that everyone was charged an annual charge for having their barclaycard, this was abolished in 2001 and then the charges started... obviously they could make more money this way... I think that they may be telling the truth here... also, Ive had the microfiche argument... I decided to send a letter stating DPA non compliance... also giving estimating charges for the missing 4 yrs a go, Im sure that I had a bad run about 4 yrs ago.... so wont get as much back as I think but thought it might just be worth a shot.... nothing ventured nothing gained.... Lynne
  24. Hiya, I sent of a letter to Corbetts saying that it was intimidatory etc, but then when I went to file at the court I changed my mind and replied to their CPR 18 and also i put in one of my own... I took this to the court, and also sent a copy of this directly to Corbetts... four days later I recieved a 50% offer, I have turned it down, Im just waiting now to see what happens. Im expecting a letter from either the court to set a date, or hopefully a huge cheque from Corbetts... Good luck and hope this helps lynne
  25. Hi Bandit I sent off a letter to Corbetts similar to yours, got a letter back saying that the judge could ask for this information... yadda yadda... however, I decided when i went to the Court to drop off my AQ that it might be an idea to answer the CPR and put in one of my own asking for a break down in charges etc. Im working to the same time scale as Laffar and Timmc. Now this is where the three off us differ.. Ive had a 50% offer that arrived four days after I sent Corbetts a copy of my CPR 18 response... Ive refused it (of course) but laffar and Tim both havent recieved anything from them... I would have thought that they would as both of their claims are smaller than mine. I would suggest that you answer it, you never know it might speed up your claim. I will let you know what happens here, but you dont seem to be that far behind me. Everything had to be filed here by the 25th so hopefully things might just start to move Good luck Lynne
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