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Everything posted by bs0lth

  1. oooo one thing, if your l is not working try cutting and pasting it into word...
  2. Hi Kia This is what I used, I changed the figures around. I also read the thread is the bank taking all of your benefits, that helped me quite a lot to get started, and just sort of took it from there. Hope this helps Lynne RIGHT OF APPROPRIATION Dear Sir/Madam, ACCOUNT NUMBER: xxxxxxxxx I am writing to inform you that I am due to have a Tax Credit payment of £xxx paid into my account on xx/xx/xx, and I wish to use my first right of appropriation for this money, for the following purposes; Rent £xx Utilities bills £xx Housekeeping money £xx I will withdraw the money on the day that it is deposited for the above use, and I would be grateful if you would ensure that any other payments out of my account do not interfere with this withdrawal. Yours faithfully, [signature] [print name)
  3. I have a little wabbit ... I want to love him and hug him and call him george... sorry but after reading the whole thread I just had to join in....
  4. Kia... right, if the money goes in on Sat then your going to have to go and get it out again on monday... give them 2 Right of appropriation forms one for the money thats in there now and one for monday, put on exactly how much is due on monday, who its from and tell them you will be back in on monday to collect it. Yourbank was a great help to me yesterday, you need to open another account asap, it will take a couple of days for it to be opened if your going to the co-op as they will open it in principle but have to do fraud checks on you. Lynne
  5. hiya... Ive been on this forum for far too long over the last couple of days, Im reading everything... I had the same problems with the natwest, I had two accounts one in poor standing and one in fantastic standing. However, they closed both of them. You need to phone the bank to find out whats happening. find out if they have closed or are in the process of closing your account. if it is you need to work fast to get the money out of there. if you go to my link as yourbank told you to do you can see what I did. however you need to stand your ground and fight to get what benefit money you had paid in. If they are closing your account, then all of your direct debits are cancelled, and your going to have to talk to the people that you need to pay. I printed out a letter of right of appropriation, this say that i need the money for priority debts, I took that with me as ammo... I went to the branch, I told them i wanted the money and they put me on the phone to the collections team. I explained that I had all ready been on the phone and I wanted the money that was in the second account as it was benefit money. They authorised the bank to pay it to me. They are going to tell you that there is nothing at all they can do about it, and you cant have your money, but you need to keep focused and you will eventually get it back. prior to going into the bank I did phone up the DWP and the inland Revenue to ask if there was anything then can do and they can take the payment back as a last resort. I also opened a bank account yesterday in the CO-OP.. they were great and helped me with my options alot. MP me if you need anything more from me Good Luck Lynne (Bs0lth)
  6. The grass is always greener on the outside if you hate the orgainistion your working for... I had this with my last employer... and the sun shines (sometimes) these days, and I dont have my own personal dark cloud following me in the hours between 9-6
  7. yourbank, I hope that this is going to be the start of a winning streak against them. Ive banked with them for nearly 24 yrs, and to be honest its only in the last couple of years I have had serious problems. The problems started with Credit Management Serivices, they are the one that I hold responsible for the whole problem, and the attitude of Collections that I was passed to yesterday afternoon is appauling. I was actually told that this is the way that everyone is treated and why should they treat me any differently... and also that if I didnt like it then I could complain, but that wouldnt get me anywhere... So I wont get you started... hehe otherwise I will be hitting my head of a brick wall before long... However, being funny aside, its nice to know that somebody knows just what they get up to from the inside, it at least gives me confidence to keep going with all of this. thanks for your time by the way. Lynne
  8. Hi Jackieandwayne, I love this site, Ive been a member since 2006, if friends have a problem I normally tell them to come on here and look, as somebody should help. Over the last couple of years though ive tended to lurk.. come on have a look then go off again for a bit. I really didnt quite know what to do, so came on searched and started to read... which is magic got my ducks in the same place and then thought ok lets see if somebody can help me get them in a row. Which happened. I really hate that the banks seem to think that they are a law unto themselves, but I do hope that this is about to change... I normally loose my temper with people in the bank, or start to shout, because its the only way I can normally cope... however yesteday I used a different tactic.. I appologised in advance to the person I dealt with, I explained that I was going to get angry, but it wasnt with them it was with the orgainisation they worked for, and in the end I think they were more helpfull because of it. I managed to keep everything under control, I didnt loose my temper, I didnt shout but I was determined to go out of that place with some of them money that had been paid in.. Ive just got to work my head into gear to get on with everything... Im still reading everything on here at the moment to try to formulate a plan of action... then there will be no stopping me... I am going to win... I am I am... its my new mantra Im just trying read about hardship... I seem to qualify but its whether the bank agrees... anyway thanks again. Lynne
  9. HI Yourbank and jackieandwayne. Thanks for your moral support yourbank, I really needed to bounce what i was formulating off somebody that understands whats going on. I sort of needed confirmation that I was going to do the right thing. I still didnt believe that I was going to get all of the money back, but I was prepared for anything being better than nothing.... so I really felt that I had won a small victory over the bank when I walked out with all of it. What I still cant get my head round, is the fact that every department in the bank and branches doesnt know what on earth is going on with the others... The fact that you are entitled to youir benifits... and they have to be made available to you. But never mind I just need to get on with claiming back everything else... and hope that I get a refund sooner than later Jackieandwayne I loved your story, Im so pleased that your mate actually got the money out of them. They looked at me like I was nuts after I said, if this is not sorted by 5pm your going to have to get the police to remove me... Im not leaving until it is... but then again Im used to people looking at me like Im nuts, thats just life... but what made me laugh was the the leaving of the little gift on the banks carpet... it reminded me of the farmer that dumped manure all over the front of his bank in process.. actually thinking about it Im sure it was the natwest as well. Thanks again and I will keep you informed on my next step as I take it. Lynne
  10. Hiya firstly can I just say.. thanks for your help and heres whats been going on.. another epic of a tale... Ok... Well to things went from bad to worse... I recorded the call from the bank... cos the nice little man that dealt with me over the phone decided that every single thing he said and did was the biggest load of tosh you ever heard. so first thing I did was hot footed it to the co-op bank... and I think I have opened a current account and a basic account... both have been approved in theory... but they dont know yet which one I will get so to stop me wasting more time they applied for both... they said I will have one or the other by friday.. I dont care to be honest at this stage I just need money to be able to be paid in somewhere... So that done... I hot footed it to the Nat West. Two departments on the phone said that the money would be available to take out, that is the amount the account was in credit.. so I thought at least Im going to get it back. Well, I got to the bank... the assistant looked at me.. looked at his machine... looked at me and said ... sorry you cant have anything your account is in the process of being closed. Ran through what was said over the phone (Lying barstools) and said that here I am... with the card I no longer want, my proof of identification... give me the money... He went off.. brought his supervisor over... she looked at me looked at the screen and said sorry you cant have that all you have available on that account is the amount of the overdraft... I was speachless at this point,I couldnt believe what I was hearing.. however, I downloaded the letter of appropriation from the site, put in my details and well produced it .. for them to look at and asked me to explain what it was... I explained and she looked at me again, then the letter and then ... Off she want to get somebody else, that looked at me then looked at the computer looked at the bit of paper and looked at me again... can you see a pattern emerging? Anyway they said.. nothing at all will allow us to give you that money, the balance was transfered out again about an hour ago you have nothing in there.. go and see the customer service desk and they will ring up the credit department.... Now the best bit is great, Ive been here before in that branch... they put you on the phone and you get no use out of them... and then at 5pm on the dot they hang up and tell you to get out of the branch... yes its true.. my mum was horrified when this happened. So the customer service lady looked at me then the bit of paper I had handed her with the phone number on and then looked at me... and said ... there is a phone here you can use on the customer service desk in the middle of the bank. I asked for a private room and she said.. im sorry but that is for customers... What the hell was I until 24 hrs ago... Anyway, i said ok.. I have 35 mins to sort this out to my satisfation... and if its not Im not leaving at 5pm... your going to have to call the police to remove me. Also, I will use the telephone in the middle of the bank, but i warn you I am going to loose my temper, and I am going to shout at the idiot on the other end of the phone. so could I please have a private room. She then turned round to me and said, but I cant leave you in a room by yourself... "oh why?" says I ... frightened Im going to top myself in your little room and give you some mess to clear up... so got my way. Anyway, the credit control dept, said no way could I have the money. I went through everything that had gone on, I told then that I had a letter of appropriation that I was handing into the branch to get the benefits that were paid into the account on Monday and it was my right since the money was going to cover my priority debts. At this point they back tracked said they would sort it out... could I go back into the branch tomorrow... Ha no way I said am I leaving this, Ive been onthe phone 6 times now today and it gets sorted, otherwise the branch is going to have me camped out in it until tomorrow. The woman on the phone, then went to talk to her boss or somebody else or even just went to make a cup of tea while I sat and stewed... The lady that was babysitting me in the room couldnt believe what was said and then left me alone.. 10 mins later, I was told the money is available for you to draw out. Result. The lady who sat in on most of the conversation then printed out me a copy of what was on screen so I had it to prove what was going on incase they all changed their minds again... but also so that It showed a £0.00 balance when I was in, and to show that if any charges were levied against the account then they wouldnt have a leg to stand on. (I know there were no outstanding payments due on that account everything has gone through) Anyway to cut yet another novel of a post short. I walked out of the branch with £416.98 and felt a small victory. Now the other stuff, I all ready have a claim in, for the excess charges, Im going to have to add in the £1600 of charges that have appeared on the acount since january.. I cant get onto the internet banking site, however, I do have all of my bank statements, I need to keep them for tax reasons... so no problems going back through them and reissuing a higher demand for payment or even yet another one. Im reading through everything I can on the hardship cases, but its doesnt look like it will go through but I can do nothing but try.. The only thing that made today more bearable was the really really nice staff in the co-op bank, who sat me down, made me a coffee and asked me to start at the top. They then went through all of my options and explained everything and how it would affect me and the credit rating I have... Im now going to trawl through everything and get it all organised and pray that tomorrow is a better day. Lynne
  11. An update... after spending an hour and a half on the phone, and told that one of my accounts was still active, that the money taken out the good account had been transfered back into it and that a new card was on its way, I was put through to a different department to be told that everything that had been discussed was to be honest a load of rubbish and the guy on the other end of the phone did not have the authority to do such a thing. the money transfer had been declined and I was told to go find another bank account.... Why on earth, can one department tell you one thing and then the other tell you that its not the case... shouldnt everyone be working off the same page... Anyway Im off to try to find another account, even a basic one is going to be better than nothing at all. I will let you know whats happening... .as it happens.
  12. What I love, is that they did this the day after everything was paid into it... its as if they knew
  13. Hiya, thanks for your reply, I have been reading most of the night, and thought as much. Yes i have mortgage arrears, the money that was in there was to pay my mortgage which is due in three days time. I have some cash but it was there for a reason. I dont know if Im going to get it all back, but all of it that goes in there is benifits so I dont know if they can keep it all. Im hacked off, I have had nothing at all from them to say they were going to close this account, it was after I had a payment declined and phoned themto ask why, knowing there was money in the account that they said they had closed it. Im off to find another bank tomorrow, but with the state of my credit at the moment Im not holding out any hope. Is there anything at all i can do?
  14. Can you get to see the Doctor and get a sick note before the hearing tomorrow morning. If you phone them and tell them that your partner is not well enough to attend the meeting then they will have to adjourn it. Getting the sick note should at least give you a little bit more time to get everything you need in place... I actually did this the day before a disciplinary, it meant that I got the time I needed to get evidence together, and I ended up moving departments after the head of HR agreed with what was going on. He recommended that I moved for a while. Good luck what ever happens. lynne
  15. Hi All, Im hoping that somebody out there might be able to help me out here. Where do I start... this is a living nightmare. I will try with to be as short as I can but I will appolgise in advance cos this is going to take a while. I will start with the personal stuff then work through the rest. In December last year, I started to get really bad back pain, doctor sent me for tests and I have athritis in my spine.. not a lot I can do, take pain killers, do excercise and keep moving. All sounds good but I was wiped out, I couldnt even get up and down stairs. Not sleeping, and its been hell... The back pain clinic has got me mobile(ish) again so at least I can move round. On top of this I am bipolar. That is fun to live with. But live with it I do and have for many years. The back pain brough on an "episode" of depression that I couldnt deal with and back to see my consultant every 2 weeks. One of my problems is opening letters and actually talking to people... I hide.. I know Im doing it but its not a good place to be in. Im coping with this at the moment because my meds have been doubled and well... Im getting through stuff. Both of these conditions together meant my doctor signed me off sick ... told me to go work on things and go back to work when I was better... which is not really what I wanted to hear as Im self employed. But how your supposed to work when you cant walk, sit, stand or even get to the kettle is beyond me. So in Jan this year I finally submitted that I needed time to get my body working again and signed on the sick. Im currently in reciept of ESA benefit (the new Invalididty benefit) at the higher level. Im in the middle of being assessed for disability living allowance, and from the last letter it looks like Im actually going to get it. Im sorry if all of this is coming over flippant.. but this is the only way I can deal with things. I became self employed because I lost my full time job and rather than sit around I started to sell things on ebay and through a website I made... things went better than expected and I was making as much as I was working full time for somebody else... until I couldnt do it. Ok so the bank problem. I have 2 accounts with the natwest. I claimed for my charges back and well they were stayed the same as everyone else. However, my problems started in December when I couldnt move. I actually had less money going in than my outgoings. my overdraft was at £1200. yes I know it was a lot but it was leftover from earlier days. Anyway, I ended up with over £600 worth of charges on the account in december. which is a hell of a lot of money and I really couldnt clear them. so i left it carried on as normal and the charges they pushed me over my over draft limit. and they have continued to go on and on and on.. its now standing at £1900 at least £1200 of that is charges... anyway... I have sort of ignored it hoping that the test case would actually get sorted, and then I would pay off the over draft with money to spare... Im claiming over £3k. So a couple of weeks ago I recieved a default letter from them saying pay up or else. i talked to them and said that I would pay off some of the amount and they could transfer £10 a month into the account from my second account to show that I was making an effort to pay off the balance. i was told that this was not good enough and that somebody would be in touch. So I havent really thought about it. hiding under the duvet again. until tonight. My second account was in credit by £500 it was because all of my benefits went in yesterday. Anyway, to cut a long story short, i went to pay for something and was told that my card had been declined... ok so it was for £7.50 I argued with the shop told them to do it again and declined again. So I said ok I will be back in a little while, and went home and phoned the bank to ask why the transaction was declined because there should have been £500 in the account. I was told that my account had been closed today, that the balance was paid off my other account and that they couldnt say anything else because the department I need to talk to was closed for then night. So my thing is... I now have no accounts, no money at all, and have no idea what to do next. Can anyone help give me an idea of what to say or if they are allowed to do this. I havent had any notification that this account would be closed. Anyway thanks for reading this epic of a post, I would appreciate it if somebody could help. lynne:confused:
  16. Is there a band called Orange Goblin... Im sure I remember something like that
  17. But ... But.... But.... there are just too many Mmmmmms.... Marilyn Manson, motorhead, muse, metallica... Ok wont go on....
  18. OMG!!!!!! I forgot all about those... I used to love them... do they still make them?
  19. Im sorry but does anyone remember Tudor crisps...sure they did a tomato ketuchup flavour... ah.... Canny bag of Tudor
  20. Congratulations T.B. I have not been on here for ages and had a look to see how everyone was doing. I cant believe they took so long, but isnt it great to get that cheque? Lynne
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