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Everything posted by djweeble

  1. Well, This arrived at my home address this morning..... OK, now I know they can't do anything while the account is in dispute, which it technically is due to the balance being less than the charges I am reclaiming. The overdraft balance has only gone up to this amount since they closed the account, and can only be due to their charges, which I have no information on at the moment as they haven't sent me a statement and won't even give me any information over the phone. Does anyone have a letter I can send them, basically telling them to sodd off and take a running jump till they comply with my request.
  2. An unadopted road is exactly that...... Unadopted by the Highway Authority, so it is NOT a public highway. My house in Wales is on an unadopted road, I have two SORN'd vehicles parked on this road, and the local Police have told me that there is no requirement for any Tax, MOT, or Insurance. PLUS, they say that the vehicles do not have to be immobilised, they also say I can even drive them along the road perfectly legally as long as I don't drive onto the PUBLIC highway at the end of the village.
  3. OK Caro, cheers for the input, All points taken on board, I was absolutely raging last night and I've calmed down a bit now. I'll take a step back and redo it all as you advise, after all, it'll just give them a few more days to consider the inevitable BTW, the 1977 bit was just cut and pasted from the original, with the figures modified, must sort that out Thanks.
  4. OK, LBA in the post tomorrow evening. Does anyone recommend any changes to this...... Lambs to the slaughter
  5. A & L wrote to me yesterday telling me they were closing my account, and I haven't even taken them to court yet ! Sure enough, checked online tonight, I can access the account, but there's no details available to view.
  6. I though I'd post this here as a warning to all their customers, and anyone thinking of moving to them. Alliance and Leicester are starting to play dirty and move the goalposts. In short, they have just closed my account a week after I asked for my charges back I have not even got to the stage where I have them in court, only the initial request for a refund has been sent and responded to with the normal Sodd Off letter. More details are in my thread....... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=354789#post354789 Now I'm FUMING !!
  7. Now I'm bloody FUMING Because of all the charges they recently levied on my current account, I've gone approximately £40 over my limit. A letter arrived at my house this morning, posted YESTERDAY telling me that because of this they are closing my account forthwith:x At times in the past I have been as high as 4 or 5 hundred over my limit, and as this only happens for a day or two until my wages go in, there's never been a problem, apart from the charges. Now I ask for a refund, and the next week they close my account, even though my wages are due in TOMORROW !!!!! Smacks of retaliation..... I said earlier they were EDITED, I was wrong, they're EDITED Now I'm out to get them big style They told me to return my cheque books and cards, I emailed them to tell them to Fupp Off unless they pay the postage, and I'll accept NO LESS than International REGISTERED post as I'm currently in Norway I've also managed to stop my wages going in to the account Looks like Barclays get my wages from next week
  8. I just checked my account on-line to make sure my mortgage payment went through today....... The B@stards hit me with a charge for interest on my overdraft, and paying the mortgage would have put me 16P over my limit, so.......... BOING For the sake of 16P they bounced a £580 payment and charged me £38 for the pleasure of it EDITED
  9. Hi Scotchy, and welcome aboard. I'm a little farther ahead than you, just got my "Sodd Off you can't have YOUR money back" letter, that's what they think My SAR took about three weeks to come back, but the "sodd off" was sent out in four days Good luck with the claim, not that you'll need it, just remember to keep pecking at them and don't back down
  10. Well, Got my "Sodd Off" letter yesterday, only took them 4 days to send out a reply .... So, as they've clearly stated they won't be paying me the charges back, should I still send an LBA, or should I maybe go straight for the jugular ??
  11. I've started the process of getting my charges back from MBNA, and once I get the paperwork back from them I'll be up and running with the calculations of how much they do actually owe me, however, because I have none of my original statements I am missing one important figure.... Can anyone tell me the unauthorised borrowing rate they charge on Gold cards.
  12. Nice one, as I've said on here a few times with other companies, what are they gonna do ? pay it back
  13. NO, NO, NO. Don't try to deal with Cabbage (Cabot) Don't phone them, don't consider paying it with a card, and don't ever give them any bank details for DD's and such. Sit tight and wait for some replies and more advice from some of the other more regular contributors to this FINE board. They'll be along soon
  14. djweeble

    DJWeeble Vs MBNA

    Well I've eventually got round to starting the ball rolling against MBNA. My DPA request was delivered Tuesday Now lets just sit back and wait to see what they owe me
  15. Parachute account opened at Barlclays, . . . OOOeeeeerrrrr mother !! Now I'll just sit back for a few days and see if I get the standard F**k Off letter....... Anyone fancy a bet........
  16. A lot of the embassies in London are challenging the charge as they claim it is an illegal tax, not a charge for a service.
  17. Can they go direct to a bancruptcy ?? I always thought they had to go through the full County Court proceedure first, that would give you the chance to question their charges in front of a Judge. In any case, I would have thought that the Judge would initially make a payment order, and only if you defaulted on it would he entertain a bancruptcy petition.
  18. 2 agencies cannot chase the same debt at once, and probably neither of them own the debt anyway. You wrote: The end of the month is only 6 working days away, so if as you say you can pay it direct to O2 by the end of the month, just make sure you do it, then send the DCA's a nice letter telling them to take a hike.
  19. Write to TMobile and tell them you will not deal with the debt collecting company as they are incompetant and haven't provided you with any details at all. Offer to pay the bill in realistic installments. You must have a copy of the original bill, that'll have a paying in slip, so make the first installment before you send the letter, and enclose a copy of the reciept as proof of goodwill. Even if they write back refusing to take installments, keep paying till it's cleared. It'll probably take the debt leeches longer to realise what's going on than it'll take to clear the bill, by then it'll be too late for them to do anything about it. :grin:
  20. Well someone will probably disagree with this but I'd write to Philips and tell them that you will not in any circumstances deal with them, and copy the letter to the revenue. Then, pay the revenue on the sly, i.e. if you have some sort of paying in slip or giro slip with their details on it, pay the original amount in cash at your bank, and send a copy of the reciept to the revenue as proof that you have now paid them. What can they do ? they're not likely to send it back 8-)
  21. KeefG, you stated earlier that the Magistrates's Court had NO RECORD of you owing something. Has this matter even been handled by the court ? If not, why don't you just go to the Revenue and pay the ORIGINAL debt, then the next time the Bailiff comes round just tell him the bill is paid and to get stuffed !
  22. Ooooops, just realised, 1977 :o should read 1997, better change that fast
  23. OK, latest update. After many problems with computer crashes, moving jobs, moving home, etc, etc, I've now completed the calculations for the third time. :o This letter is being sent by email tonight, my Mrs will print it out and send it recorded tomorrow. I might get my new car before Christmas after all :grin:
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