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Everything posted by Sumromanus

  1. Good. I can't wait to meet them! They have tried to "fine" me too. Unfortunately for them it was the same week I returned from Scotland (?) after visiting my sister. If there are any more mugs like me out there listen carefully... "IF YOU LIVE IN SCOTLAND YOU DO NOT PAY FOR ANY PRESCRIPTIONS, EVEN IF YOU'RE A MILLIONAIRE. YET WHETER YOU'RE SCOTTISH, WELSH OR ENGLISH, WE ALL PAY THE SAME AMOUNT INTO THE SAME NHS" It is a national, i.e., UK, disgrace. It is a form of bribery, along with other financial gifts (Scottish Kids going to University do NOT pay anything, whereas English children must pat £1,000's) To keep them in the Union yet we are all paying the same tax rate into the same Westminster tax pot. Oh, I hope they take me to court! And perhaps this is the reason why it is impossible to find a clear case where they have actually taken someone to court for none payment?
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