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Everything posted by marky.b

  1. Thanks for clearing it up for me Much appreciated
  2. I read about changing tax code Do this mean they take so much a week from wages till its clear or do they take it all at once Can you make a direct payment instead And all I have to declare is the £349 at 8%
  3. All my tax is done via work So I'll get a breakdown off bank of Scotland and do them both together
  4. Phew thought the other interest at credit card rate may have been taxable , Do I need to wait till tax office contact me, nationwide have made them aware
  5. Thanks So on the nationwide one is it only the £349 at 8% , Was wondering if the interest at credit card rate may be taxable as well
  6. As per my previous thread I just received £42 k from nationwide and bank of Scotland Bank of Scotland sent 3 cheques for £28 k but no letter showing breakdown of how it was calculated, so not sure if tax was paid So how will I find this out ? Nationwide sent letter yesterday showing how they calculated the £14 k £6100 refund on ppi £7200 interest at credit card rate and £349 at 8% It said tax not been paid and I had to sort it myself, also said they are contacting the taxman as well Is it just the £349 at 8% that is taxable
  7. So between £5500 and £8500 just on 1 loan And £1800 to £2400 on the smaller Loan Cost me 2 phone calls and 2 stamps What a saving
  8. Got a letter off nationwide a few days ago offering £6100 plus whatever interest it will incur for my credit card Then today bank of Scotland sent me 3 cheques , right on the end of 8 week deadline for a big loan I had In total £28.000 So id call this a result around £34.000 plus interest on the nationwide And all done myself , wonder how much a claims company would have charged
  9. Around the 20th march I rang bank of Scotland regarding reclaiming ppi on a loan I had I then filled out the forms and sent them off They arrived on march 28th A couple of days later they rang me for some more info That was the last I heard So it's now 8 weeks since I first rang When does the 8 weeks start When you first ring or when they receive the forms
  10. Rang them today Got told they will put it back on my credit card and if I owe nothing they will send out a cheque for full amount But that figure of 6100 does not include interest It mentions calculating interest at the credit card interest rate , and also mentions a further 28 days interest from letter date No idea what the final amount going to be it will be a minimum 6100
  11. Got a letter yesterday from nationwide Offered me £6100 But letter says if I accept it will be paid to my credit card. My card as a zero balance so how can they pay it back to this card
  12. a couple of weeks ago i sent off my claim forms to the nationwide just received s letter asking for the the following info who was my employer at point ofsale how long i had worked there full time roll and what benefits i was entitled to any changes in employment since taking card out in 2002 did i have any other income protection plans or other means of supporting myself is this relevant the point i originaly made was i was unaware i had it when i took card and a recent letter they sent showing my last 12 months ppi payments on this letter it showed my unemployment status as unknown how should i reply to this letter
  13. ok thank you ill do another letter and post it later problem i got is i mentioned on the phone last week i did not know i had it. although its foreign call centres and i was passed from pillar to post
  14. not quite sure what you Mean by asertive . don't know if i was bullied in to taking it out. obviously had i been told i could have got it cheaper than £171 a month or that it was not compulsory, or that it would not cover me for stress related conditions or only 6 months for bad backs. a common problem in my job there is no way i would have taken it. still wondering how much ppi would have cost on a 20k loan im sure ppi is not half the loan cost as i phoned them last week they are obviously doing something as shown in the letter i uploaded earlier. as you said do it all in writing and not over the phone. i need to get the form sent back while they are still investigating trhe claim
  15. ok here is a letter i got a few days ago this was done before i found this site
  16. that much going on its getting confusing i wasnt going to go back that far. just for the 2006 loan are you saying i need to get details from the first 2 before i can continue im going to upload a letter i got a few days ago from bos regarding the call i made to them last week when i first rang to file a complaint
  17. [ATTACH=CONFIG]42663[/ATTACH]just filling out the forms i put this for the description what do you think [ATTACH=CONFIG]42663[/ATTACH]
  18. right going to do the bos forms now. not had a lot of time to do the in the week due to work i had a call off a foreign guy (twice) yesterday while i was at work, could have been bos should i print and post the forms or fill the online ones instead
  19. not done nothing yet ive just received forms from nationwide for the ppi on my credit card, they were the same forms i have seen everywere so i guess the ones i need to send to the bos will be the same ones. oh and on the subject of the nationwide claim. the form asks for the insurance policy number. i dont have that should i just put the credit card account number (ie the card number)
  20. had a letter today from bos they quote what i said in telephone call to them saying i didnt need it and didnt know i had it, and the fact that i was fully employed and get full sick pay says they are gathering info relevant to the complaint and may need to contact me to get a complete recollection of what happened and to contact them if i have any further info what should my next move be
  21. rang bos and told them i wanted to put a complaint in so got to wait till they get back to me maybe they will send me forms out
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