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jack starfish

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Everything posted by jack starfish

  1. thanks very much for that. I will send the letter and post up the reply if/ when I get it.
  2. No, This isn't on the Credit reference file. All the catalogue type debts that he had dropped off his file between 2&4 years ago. I don't know which debt this is, as it doesn't say so the nearest I can pin point it to is between 8 &10 years ago.....before I sorted him out! lol the last payment of any of these debts was 8 years ago, likewise any acknowledgements. I know it's statute barred and It's nothing to worry about. I only looked here because I've dealt with the vast majority of DCAs over the last few years, but have never come across Transcom until today.
  3. Yes on behalf of Arrow Global Whom we have never heard of or had dealings with to my knowledge/ memory
  4. My husband has today received a letter from Transcom for a whopping £1400+ !!! The letter doesn't state who the original client is. I suspect it to be a very old catalogue debt, certainly statute barred by a few years. He had a doorstep visit from provident last year regarding this debt. I sent them on their way and told them not to come back. I am going to draft a prove it letter today for him to send. I just wondered what, if anything, has happened with the complaint, Brigadier?
  5. On reading the back billing document, would he not be classed as wilfully avoiding payment? and therefore not covered by the code of practise?
  6. well Ive had my fair share of dealings with DCAs over the years and thought Id seen it all. But for a DCA to stoop as low as to impersonate a UU employee to an obviously mentally impaired person, beggars belief. Luckily I have access to his bank account and will be cancelling the DD before they even get a sniff of it.
  7. oh and thank you very much for the link to the back billing document. Very helpful
  8. This is the thing, DX...I don't think he ever has paid it!! It's hard to get straight info from in because of problems but from what I can gather, in the 5 or so years he has been in the property he says he has recieved 1 bill every year and he doesn't think he paid any of them. But it seems from what he says and the lack of any letters, certainly since Ive been dealing with his mail/bills UU have never pursued him for the debt! Certainly the £2000+ that resolve says he owes would tally with around that amount if yearly bills. When he received last years bill, I paid it in full for him. The water bill comes from united utilities ( we are in the nort west ) and they are the supplier for this area.
  9. Ok I see, thank you. Does anyone have any idea where I can find out more about only being billed for 12 months. Thank you
  10. how do you mean DX? Do you mean the utility company passes the debt to a DCA after 12 months? From what I can work from the most recent water bill, this must be about 5 years worth of unpaid water bills!! Im getting nowhere with t until I can speak to someone at UU
  11. Thats what I suspect too and no it's never gone to court. My brother knew he owed them (UU) money but he had no idea how much. Having said that Ive been dealing with his affairs for nearly 2 years now and I haven't seen one single letter about this either from UU or any debt collectors
  12. Im hoping some kind soul can offer some help or advice. By way of background. I am helping my brother with his debts. He has severe mental health problems and has only recently been discharged from a mental health unit. In short he's quite poorly. Im on top of most of it so far. He telephoned me on Friday night extremely distressed that an 'enforcement officer' from united utilities had visited him in the evening over a £2000+ water bills debt. this is a debt that I was unaware of. He said this man had told him that UU were going to take him to the Magistrates court to pursue the debt and that he needed to arrange a payment plan to avoid this. He basically bullied my brother into agreeing to a £7.50 a week direct debit. My 17 year old neice was home at the time and she's confirmed that the rather imposing man did indeed say he was from UU and that he was an enforcement officer. Ive been to visit my bro this morning and he has had a letter fro resolvecall confirming the DD. Now, I know who resolvecall are and what they're capable of. But what Im trying to find out is if the man who called at my bro's house was just a ****** doorstep agent who spun my bro a yarn, or if UU do operate in this way to recover debts. Ive telephoned UU but they won't deal with me because it's my bros account.....so letter on the way giving permission for me deal with his account on his behalf. Id appreciate any advice or comments in this. If this is, as I suspect dirty tricks by resolvecall then Im not going to let this go. It's clear for anyone to see that my brother doesn't have the mental capacity to deal with things like this, and I find it very upsetting that this company may have taken advantage if that. Ive rang TS and they were no help at all. They told me to go back to UU. Sorry it's so long
  13. Thank you once again for your very helpful answers IMS. The first 2 were what I thought but I needed confirmation. The third answer with the formula for calculating has helped me enormously! I can now get on and start putting figures into the spreadsheet. Again, Thank you very much
  14. Due to one thing and another I have had to put things on hold with this for a couple of weeks. I now have time to sit down and try to do it properly. I have read the very useful guide on single premium PPI and that has helped me understand things alot better than I did. I have also got the spreadsheets and they too are excellent. I am however still confused about some things, mostly the figures for loans 2 and 3 which were both rolled over loans. I have started with the first loan and worked out what percentage of my monthly payments were for PPI etc. This was pretty straightforward. I also understand how to do the calculations with regard to working out what PPI from loan 1 went on to loan 2 and so on. (Ithink!) I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with the following questions. Sorry if they sound a bit like obvious questions. Still feel a bit out of my depth and dont want to get it wrong. 1. As well as PPI I have items such as healthcare, family care and emergency homecare added to the loans. Do I include these as part of the claim? I also have acceptance fees on all 3 loans - are these claimable? 2. On the spreadsheet do I enter the total I was charged for ppi or do I enter single monthly payments up to the date the loans were rolled over? 3. When I go on to do the loan progression spreadsheets for loans 2 and 3, am I using the figure for the amount of new cash advanced or the total amount of loan? (this is the one that I am very confused with) Again sorry if these seem like obvious questions. I think Ive figured out the answers then I start doubting myself. Any help is as always very gratefully recieved. Thank you
  15. Thanks for that. So once I get the figures sorted should I send these to Welcome as a claim or should I just go straight to the FOS. I don't mind if I have to go as far as claiming in court against them. I'm pretty much expecting a long and challenging road ahead with this but I'm up for it. Thanks again for your helpful advice
  16. Thans for the quick reply IMS. I have had a look at the spreadsheets and am now slowly trying to get the figures I need to get them done. Not helped by it being school hols, raining and having 3 bored kids....the only way I can get near a PC is insomnia or bribery!!! lol Yes I just got what I assume is a standard rejection letter. They state in the letter 'The rules of our regulator - The FSA state that where a complaint relates to an event that took place before 27 February 2003 We are not required to investigate your claim. Sales of insurance made before this date were the responsibility of the insurance provider not the broker who sold it'. I doubt they even noticed that one of my loans was post Feb 2003. I'm assuming they saw the dates for the first one and that was it. Do you think it's worth replying to them and pointing this out? And asking who the insurance provider was. I have been through every piece of paper and nowhere does it mention who provided the insurance. I just wondered if its worth having another go at them on the third loan and then pursue the other 2 by a different means or if it would be easier to keep a single claim for all 3 loans. I do hope I'm making some kind of sense
  17. well I think I might as well put a complaint in anyway. Nothing to lose at all. Surely they would at least look at my third loan which wasn't taken out until 2004. Does anyone have any views on if it would be worthwhile going down the court route? All help and advice would be really welcome thanks
  18. Thank you very much for the quick reply. Have done some more reading and now my head hurts lol Teabag have you complained to the FOS? If so what was the outcome? Have they given any advice on how you should proceed? Sorryso many questions. Be really good to hear how someone in the same situation is dealing with it. Also does anyone know when complaining to FOS do I include the figure that I am reclaiming or do the FOS work this out themselves
  19. Hi there. Long time lurker on this site but have never had the need to post/ask for advice until now. Any advice very much appreciated. I had 3 loans with welcome- 2002, 2003 and 2004. The second and third loans included amounts from the previous loans. I defaulted on the third loan some years ago and until recently had heard nothing of it until Mckenzie Hall recently got in touch to chase the debt. I wrote to welcome to complain about the PPI and received a complaint form which I filled in and returned a couple of weeks ago. I also included copies of all 3 loan agreements as luckily I still have all the paperwork. I received what I believe is the bog standard rejection letter this morning. It informs me that my claim is rejected as the events took place prior to 27th feb 2003. They also included a leaflet and details of how to complain to the FOS. I'm sure many others have been in this situation and I would be glad of any advice on what my next step is. Firstly only 2 of the loans were prior to 27/02/03 so do I go back to welcome and try again to have PPI on the third loan refunded? or do I go straight to the FOS or are there other options open to me. Im a bit out of my depth with all this but really do want to pursue it. I have had a read at some of the other threads and am gaining lots of useful info which I'm sure will help but I haven't (yet) found a thread about a situation like mine. I will keep reading and learning and hopefully some kind person will point me in the right direction. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any advice
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