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Everything posted by mrdebts

  1. Make debt collection by private companies illegal - that sounds better!
  2. You have made a perfectly valid request for a CCA. They have 12 + 2 days - end of.
  3. What a load of nonsense that is & simply a case of them saying what a court "may do". The threatogram is designed to intimidate a payment out of you. The bit that says you have to reply to a letter out of "civil procedure rules" is a new one to me?
  4. If Moorcroft of all DCA's have washed their hands of it then you can now relax.
  5. The only way they should be communicated with is through a medium.
  6. I second what Silverfox has said. Their bark is bigger than their bite (as with all DCA's)
  7. Hmmm ok then....i think my "good friend" lickthewallfatboy might disagree with you on that one
  8. So how does someone be "not what they seem" exactly? Is there a secret code or something than all newbies have to use on here that makes everyone suddenly think "oh this newbie is not 1 of them then"
  9. Just because you may have been on here alot longer than i have & have made many more posts than i have, not sure what makes you think i have less right to comment on a thread than you have to be honest
  10. There was a post made by LowellsCRT?? - cant recall if it was on this thread or on another one?, were they made a post in response to someone & then stated at the end to contact them on the number stated so the matter can be sorted out. People should be encouraged NOT to phone DCA's. So like i said - so long as they are not wanting people to ring them up then im all in favour of reading their posts.
  11. Ive been on many forums like this over the years & im more than experienced to comment thank you very much. If you read what i said - i said that i hate them as much as everyone else does, but so long as they are not trying to get people to phone them up (which is what they have been doing so far) then im all in favour of reading their posts quite frankly. I do not work for a DCA or have any connection with the industry whatsoever. Just giving my opinion if thats allowed?
  12. People should not let their dislike for DCA's cloud things. I hate them as much as the everyone else, but so long as they are not just saying "ring us on this number and we'll look into the matter" (which is all they seem to do so far) then i've nothing against them posting on here personally.
  13. The whole ACS Law/Slyck thing was hillarious....Crossley just refers back to his old debt collector default position eventually by using lanaguage such as "you have failed" lol As with any debt collector or solicitor for that matter, the minute you put them in their place & tell them what is what they soon back off. The only way people like Crossley even remotely succeed is because of the still many people out there who will cave into him from the start sadly.
  14. Hopefully they will all go bums up soon.
  15. I've dealt with SRJ recoveries in the past. I just wonder which one of those in the picture is the one who used to get very frustrated when they realised they couldnt bully a payment out of me
  16. I have nothing against DCA's posting on consumer forums like this one. But when they are asking people to ring them up then i think that should not be allowed on here. Everyone knows what DCA's are like on the phone & how they will simply try to bully or intimidate a payment out of you.
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