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Everything posted by Starfury

  1. Hi Crotalus, what I have read so far about BG is disgusting. When it comes to compensation don't forget to tot up all the hours of your life that they have wasted plus your family's and put your own price on... say £100 - £200 per hour, if they should try to refuse to this pay this sum, ask them to give you back those hours... obviously they cannot, so add the sum to any other compensation claim. Why do I submit this, because they (BG) cost me hours of time and after mentioning this and getting 'but we cannot give you those hours back' from them, I successfully was compensated without having to take them to court. With your case though, I think they deserve far more than what they got from me, so good luck! Starfury. P.s as regards asking for this type of compensation I believe a precedent has now been set in a court of law recently!
  2. To quote the e-mail from CAG... "Since January, French law has prohibited drivers from carrying any device capable of 'detecting' speed cameras. If you haven't disabled camera alerts you can be fined at the roadside..." The important word here is 'detecting', if this is true, I don't think many Sat Navs or smart phones are capable of 'detecting' cameras, unlike 'road safety' equipment such as Road Angel which can detect mobile cameras alongside the inboard GPS system which warns of fixed camera sites by their map location. Please could someone verify the wording?
  3. Two single tickets for £117, two return tickets for same day £213, took me two minutes on the Raileasy website. Two single tickets for £116.20, two return tickets for same day £159.10, from the East Coast Trains website Chris
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