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Everything posted by dave

  1. I've heard that before. Never happened to me though. (worse luck!) ;-)
  2. Of course, Frostwire, which is free and very similar doesn't have the spyware problems. Just saying ;-)
  3. They did for me. When my house was unoccupied (for 7 month), I had no idea I wasn't eligible so paid it as normal. However, a change convo with someone in the pub (as it always is) brought it to my attention that I should have paid it. Phoned them up and they said, "No problem, we'll send you a cheque." Of course the cheque didn't turn up, until I was harrassing them about 4 times a day for it. Finally did get it though - 5 months later!
  4. It's the security system for Dharma. Cerberus they called it. Gawd - donchunonuffink? (don't know how it can impersonate anyone though - assuming it did - Black Smoke is a slang term for opium, so maybe the people getting near to it just hallucinate, I don't know....bah!)
  5. I've just read this thread, and I must say that I can hardly believe that this is the same country I grew up in. Having to go to court for having your feet on a train chair!!???? What a really poor excuse for a police officer that was. No wonder they have no public respect in this country any more. What a complete waste of time (yours, your sons, the courts) and money. The country really has gone mad. I can't believe it. This is the real cause of people not having any respect for the police/authorities. How can anyone respect someone who forces that sort of issue through the courts - and even then, when all is done and dusted and they've got their 30 quid, they continue to harrass you or your son (probably through a cockup of some sort). The state of the nation isn't to do with bad parenting or bad schools (although I agree, to a certain degree that those will have an effect) - it's to do with complete lack of respect for authority (not fear, respect). Constantly being told what to do, and how to do it by an incompetent government and fined for not obeying them. Then fined and dragged through courts for something like this! You try and get the people who NEED to go to court (banking cartels spring to ming) and you have to wait years and start a consumer revolution to get it to happen. I think someone has punched a big hole in the centre of the UK and we're slowly sinking. /rant.
  6. Apparently not. They can choose to make it their responsibility I believe. This has changed over recent years. If it were a water pipe sticking out of the road and it punctured your tyre, then that would be the water boards responsibility, but I am told that the council have no responsibilty for the upkeep or saftey of roads anymore. Great isn't it? Mind you, you can certainly tell just by looking at the roads round my way, that nobody wants responsibility for them.
  7. Libel claims are for very rich people and/or the very foolish.
  8. Do you mean to say you haven't seen polar bears running around your garden? ...or black smoke? (mind you, I got a letter from the council this morning informing me that despite the council tax going up AGAIN, that they will no longer be collecting garden refuse in the summer, so I expect to see quite a lot more 'black smokle' in people's gardens soon.)
  9. I agree conalot: I don't care too much for 'goodbye' threads. IMO, if you're not happy with a website, you can either: 1. Post about the changes that you would like to see and lead the way. If the suggestions are useful or good, then they will be taken up. 2. Shut up and leave.
  10. It does look that way I agree, although I have been careful not to get my hopes up. It is a complicated case, and just because the banks look like they are running scared by changing T&Cs recently shouldn't necessarily have an effect on the outcome. The case isn't to decide if the charges are unlawful, it's to decide if the UTCCR is allowed to be used by the OFT.
  11. Quite right too. It makes me wonder why people would register here under an assumed name and visit from a US proxy server? One can only guess as to the reasons that someone would go to those lengths to disguise who they were.
  12. To clear any confusion, and before I receive any more patronising emails about it: The post above from me was NOT in reference to Ginan. Ok? Some people.....?
  13. I think you'll find it's not just men. I once dumped this girl, who just wouldn't get it. She would phone my neighbours asking if I was in, send me about 120 texts (in 5 hours!!! - How anyone's thumb works that quickly I do not know!), she even walked 7 miles to leave a pair of her knickers hanging on my front door handle! I had to change my telephone number and move 200 miles away. Ok, the moving bit was a fib.
  14. It's always full. If I empty it, it's full again within a couple of hours. Try [email protected]
  15. Ahh - I haven't seen S04E00. Still, what did you make of E01 then? I'm a bit confused as to why Desmond didn't go with Loche when he saw Charlie's hand with the message on it, first hand so-to-speak. ...and who are the 6? We know 3 of them. ...and what the hell was that with Charlie being dead, but not?
  16. Just watched it. I have the same one you do. Is there another part - I didn't think it was a two-parter?
  17. Yep, and every other torrent is fine, just not ANY of the ones I have for Lost. Seems ok now though, looking back up to speed. Very odd blip though.
  18. The fact of the matter is: we, not the OFT as we don't know what they are in possession of, do not have any proof that the banks do not incur these sorts of charges when a breach of contract occurs; it's possible, although incredibly unlikely. No company would put computer systems in place that would cost them more money (as claimed by Ms Knight on BBC Radio 4 - I have the recording where she claims that new computer systems actually result in extra cost for the banks - Hmmm - if I were a shareholder I would question why you would do such a thing without research). However, I suppose you could claim that they are all the same as NR and have no idea what is going on and that they are blinded by greed, and as such that seems a reasonable excuse to be bailed out by the BoE. Just because something is not able to be proven does not mean it's not true. There's a substantial amount of circumstantial evidence, that much is true. Thankfully, they seem to be digging their own hole in the current case by providing that in their attempts to circumnavigate the UTCCRs. Give us the choice of NOT taking these 'services' and we'll see just how many of these companies attract new customers or retain their current customer base. So far, I have nearly eradicated the use of a bank from my life. It wasn't easy, and I'm still not completely free of these scavengers. Why should it be so hard to live in this country without having to buy a service from a private country? It seems a little too much like Stalinism for my liking.
  19. I have no idea - haven't seen it yet ;-) Just wanted to stir things up - Lol! I can't even get a torrent to work. Tried lots now and...zip. Connected to hundreds of peers, yet no D/L speed at all. I have no idea what is happening. Maybe the tracker is overloaded with so many people connecting.
  20. Indeed. At the time, we said nothing about the materials. The more people that had access to them the better was our opinion. Since then, we've been trolled, threatened, had those particular users 'leave forever' then come back under an assumed name (and through proxy servers to 'avoid detection'). Indeed some are on this thread and the OFT thread. Have we banned them? No. Have we moderated them? Yes, when they have broken the rules as we would anyone who breaks the rules. Have we even let them know that we know who they are and said "I thought you left for good"? No. We've even been passed posts in their 'secret' forums where they actively discuss ways to disrupt and troll this site. They even have Facebook groups set up discredit this site that use our logo etc... Yet, someone posts their account of the OFT here and they get asked to remove it. Sad & childish.
  21. I know that the one site in particular has a small number of users, but I wonder how many would actually still be there if they knew the truth about what went on, and would still want to associate themselves with it.
  22. Because the author of the post on the other site has asked for it to be removed from here as it is their copyright. We will abide by their wishes, sad as they are.
  23. We did consult a solicitor about the variety of harassment we were receiving. He said we have a very good case for malicious libel, but it would cost money to bring the case. We decided not to do so, as the money donated to us was not for that, it was to keep the site going and to help as many people as possible whilst bringing the regime of bank charges down.
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