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Everything posted by underdog13

  1. Probably as good a method as any - there's not much else to choose between them;)
  2. It's his smile that gets me - the last time I saw something that creepy was in a crowd scene in the horror film 'The Wicker Man'
  3. Weird! Is it literally too embarrassed to show it's face?
  4. why does the embarrassed smilie never show up when I post the reply?
  5. It's when they get beyond this stage and walk to a ledge to throw themselves off that you have to worry
  6. :lol: Lucky he didn't trip and serve your dinner straight onto your head:D
  7. :lol: The person taking the order must be fluent in paraletic
  8. Were they whistling the theme tune to the great escape?
  9. Night night Tilly:) And Florence and Zebedee.... Feeling Good - Muse
  10. :lol: Are you kicking anyone in particular, Tills? Wanna Do Bad Things to You - Jace Everett
  11. How much have you had to drink, Tills? Bohemian Like You - Dandy Warhols
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